Chapter 2

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After our encounter with Bowers and his gang Bill, Eddie, Richie and I made our way to Eddie's house to get supplies for our adventure in the barrens. We began looking through his cabinets,
"Take everything but the delicious deals, guys my mom loves them"
"Hey, first you say the barrens, and now you're saying the sewer. I mean what if we get caught?" Eddie continued.
"We won't Eds. T-T-The sewers are public works, we're the public aren't we?" Bill responded.
Richie opened a cabinet with loads of pills
"Hey Eddie these your birth control pills?"
"Yeah, and I'm saving them for your sister, this is private stuff" Eddie sarcastically said,
"Hey don't bring me into to this Eds" I spoke.
"Yeah dude only Bill can make them type of jokes" Richie smirked, he knows about my crush on Bill but keeps teasing me as he loves to piss me off.
I elbowed him "Beep beep Richie" I said, I glanced over to Bill and saw he was blushing a little from the comment Richie made, maybe the comment embarrassed him?
As we went to walk out of Eddies house we heard a voice come from the living room,
"Eddie bear, where are you kids off to in such a rush?" Eddies mom questioned.
"Umm j-j-just my backyard Mrs K" Bill lied knowing if she found out she would be pissed since she was so protective over Eddie
"I got a new..."
"A new croquet set. Jeez spit it out B-B-Bill" Richie interrupted.
"Okay, oh and sweetie don't go rolling around in the grass especially if it's just been know how bad your allergies can get" Mrs K said,
"Yes mom let's go" Eddie pushed us out the door obviously embarrassed by what's just occurred
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Mrs K called
Eddie awkwardly walked into the living room as me and Richie peered around the front door the see what was happening,
He gave his mother on cheek which caused me and Richie to snicker,
"Do you want from me too Mrs K" Richie asked her trying to embarrass Eddie more,
Eddie pushed us out the door due to us all laughing,
"Sorry mommy" Eddie said as he closed the door.

We all met up with Stanley and rode our bikes to the barrens to try and find any evidence on where Georgie has disappeared to.
"That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy" Stan pointed
"Where? Where's the poison ivy?" Eddie panicked,
"Nowhere" I replied,
"Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley" Richie snapped,
Richie, Bill and I went into the barrens however Eddie and Stan stayed outside
I began looking around the barren trying to find anything,
"Well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure this is not good for my-" Eddie was cut off by Richie asking
"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"
"Sometimes yeah"
"Then you probably have crabs" Richie joked
"That's so not funny" Eddie rolled his eyes,
I walked right up to Bill,
"Hey you found anything yet?" I asked
"Nope n-n-nothing yet"
At the back of the me I could here Richie and Eddie still arguing back and fourth like cat and dog.
"Aren't you guys coming in?" I asked Eddie and Stan, who both stood sheepishly outside the barrens,
"Uh-uh it's grey water?" Eddie responded.
"What the hells grey water?" Richie obviously not taking Eddie seriously,
"Basically piss and shit. So I'm just telling you, you guys are splashing around in millions and gallons of Derry pee" Eddie explained grossed out by our actions,
I kept looking around hoping to find any evidence on where Georgie could be,
"Are you serious? Are you serious right now?" Eddie became stressed,
"Doesn't smell like caca to me señor" Richie said in a Spanish accent,
"Okay I can smell that from here" Eddie getting even more stressed.
"It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face" Richie teased
"Have you ever heard of a staff infection?" Eddie scoffed
"Oh I will show you a staff infection"
"You guys are so unsanitary this is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now"
Richie picked up a piece of trash with the stick he was holding and threw it at Eddie,
Eddie screamed,
I wasn't focused as much on there constant arguing and I eventually found a shoe,
"Bill look" I tapped him showing him the shoe,
He picked up the shoe and shined the flashlight onto it, we both turned around.
"Guys!" Me and bill shouted, causing them to stop arguing,
Me and Bill looked at them with panic on our faces shining the flashlight to show them the shoe,
"Shit don't tell me that's" Stan gave us a fearful expression, Eddie followed shortly with the same expression,
"No, G-G-Georgie wore galoshes" Bill said, which made me relived in a sense however made me more concerned on who's shoe it could be,
Richie walked towards us to get a close up view of the shoe.
"Who's sneaker is it?" Eddie asked,
Me Richie and bill looked inside and to our horror we saw who's shoe it was.
"Betty Ripsom's" Richie responded,
"Oh shit" I covered my mouth in shock.
"Oh God, oh fuck I don't like this " Eddie panicked,
"How do you think Betty feels? Running around to see tunnels with only one frickin shoe?" Richie laughed,
"Not the time Richie" I gave him a serious expression, we all looked at him with the same expression.
"What if she's still here?" Stan asked
Bill, Richie and I looked a little further into the barrens,
"Eddie come on" Richie shouted
"My mom would have an aneurysm if she find out that we're playing down here I'm serious"
"Bill?" Eddie asked
"If if I was Betty Ripsom's I would want us to find me, G-G-Georgie too" Bill told Eddie
"What if I don't want to find them?" Eddie looked at us,
We each gave him a shocked and confused look
" I mean no offence, Bill, but I don't want to end up like..." Eddie stopped himself,
"I don't want to go missing either" Eddie continued
"He has a point" Stan spoke
"Y-Y-You too?" Bill asked.
"It's summer, we're supposed to be having fun, this isn't fun this is scary and disgusting" Stan snapped,
I could understand where Stan was coming from as this wasn't how I was expecting the start of my summer to go.
Then all of a sudden a huge splash was heard from outside the barrens, we all went outside to see a chubby boy who looked wounded in the stream struggling to get up,
"Oh my god" I gasped.
"Holy shit! What happened to you?" Richie asked.
We all ran over to him to help him up onto Bills bike and road to Derry pharmacy.

Authors note: hey guys thank you so much for reading in the next chapters you will soon see Bills and Mollies friendship blossom into something more make sure to keep reading to find out! 😁❤️

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