Chapter 10

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We all followed Bill to neibolt and as we arrived he was about to go into the house,
"Bill!" Beverly and I called out to him.
"Bill you can't go in there, this is crazy" I said as we all walked towards him.
"Look you don't have to come in with me. But what happened when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty? Or another Ed Corcoran? Or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home, and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but... he isn't. So walking in this house, for me is easier than walking own." Bill said, which his speech caused my heart to break for him, knowing how much pain he is going through.
"Wow" Richie said
"What?" Ben asked
"He didn't stutter once" he said in a serious tone. Richie, Ben and I started to follow Bill until Stanley spoke up,
"Wait! Shouldn't we have some people keep watch?" He suggested,
"You know, just in case something bad happens " he suggested,
"W-W-Who wants to stay out here?" Bill asked, In which everyone except me, Bill and Bev out there hands up,
"Fuck" Richie sighs,

We all decided on who to go in the house by pulling the shortest straws in which it was me, Bill, Eddie and Richie, we all opened the creaky door of the house, as I looked inside the smell alone made me want to gag,
"I can't believe I pulled the short straw, you guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks" he complained,
"Beep beep Richie" I said
"Shut up Richie" Eddie said
The house looked as it had been abandoned for at least a decade as the house was overgrown with ivy and mould growing all over the house.
"Don't breathe through your mouth" Richie said,
"How come?" Eddie said,
"Because then your eating it" Richie smirked,
Eddie gagged in response, as he unzipped his fanny pack to get his inhaler out.
I stood close to Bill as this place was causing me to get chills down my spine.
Richie walked over to the overgrown ivy and pulled out a sheet of paper,
"Bill, Eds look" I pointed to what Richie was doing with a puzzled look covering my face,
Richie had a panicked look on his face as he looked at the paper,
"What?" Bill asked, as all three of us walked over to him.
"It, it says I'm missing"Richie stuttered
"Missing? Let us see" I gave a confused look
We looked at paper to see a picture of Richie with his date of Birth and the day he goes missing... which is today!
"But your not m-missing Richie" Bill said
"Police department, City of Derry. That's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face" Richie panicked as his voice accelerated and got more high pitched,
"Calm down Richie" I said
"Calm down, this isn't real" Bill added,
"That's my name, that's my age! That's the date!" Richie yelled out in fear,
"You can't be missing Richie" Bill said,
"No it says it! What the fuck? Am I missing? Am I gonna go missing?" Richie started repeating, I stood next to Eddie and saw him have his hands cupped over his mouth wondering on how to react to the situation and I felt the same too.
"Calm down, calm down" Bill said as he tried to take the missing poster out of Richie's hands.
"Look at me, Richie! Look at me. That... that isn't real, it's playing tricks on you" Bill explained to him.
"Hello?" We heard a familiar girls faint voice coming from upstairs, we all looked at each other with a mixture of fear and confusion.
"Hello?" The girl said again,
All four of us walked towards the staircase,
"Help me please!" The girl pleaded, is this is a trap, I thought to myself.
"Who is that?" I whispered, as I started to bite my nails as I started to get even more anxious, I then felt someone hold my hand I look to see it was Bill, which made me feel a little better as being near him made me feel safer.
We made our way up the stairs slowly, still cautious on the fact this house is very weak and we could hurt ourselves at any moment, either by the clown or by the house falling apart. We heard the girl gasping, and rats squeaking and scurrying on the floor causing me to remember my terrible ordeal with the clown, I tried to block it out of my mind as it wasn't important right now, I tightened my grip on Bills hand,
"Sorry, the rats kinda shook me up a bit" I whispered to Bill,
"I-it's ok I understand" he smiled we heard the noises coming from the room at the end of the hallway, we looked to see a familiar girl, lying on the floor gasping and coughing, it was Betty Ripsom, she has been here all along.
"Betty?" Bill said
"Ripsom?" Richie added,
She looked at us for a second until she suddenly got dragged away,
We all gasped in shock,
We slowly began walking towards to room she was in, as we made it to the room, Betty Ripsom was no where to be seen,
"She was just here where the fuck did she go?" Richie asked, I looked around to see Eddie wasn't with us.
"Guys, where's Eddie?" I asked,
"Oh shit" Richie said,
We looked down the hallway to see Eddie still at the end of the hallway, as we noticed the door of the room we was in was closing,
"Eddie!" We shouted,
"Guys! Guys!" Eddie yelled.
Richie, Bill and I started to pound on the door,
"Eddie can you hear us!" I yelled,
Bill tried to open the door but it was sealed shut.
"Eddie open the door!" Bill shouted,
"You okay? What's going on!" Bill yelled,
I pounded on the door but we heard nothing from Eddie,
"Fuck!" I shouted
"Mollie" I heard a familiar woman's voice call out to me, I started to walk towards a room her voice was coming from to see my mother sat down drinking coffee at a table,
"Mom? What are you doing here?" I said to her as I entered the room, the door slammed shut,
"You will never be the favourite child, I heard about all the rumours in town of you being the neighbourhood whore, you will never be good enough" my mother spat with a cruel expression spread her face,
I looked at her with a hurt expression,
"What do you mean?" I cover my mouth unsure on how to respond, however I noticed her eyes were yellow, just like the clown!
"You're not my mother!" I yelled, then to my horror rats started coming from out of her mouth and started to spread the room and ran to the door and started to pound at it repeatedly,
"Bill, Richie help me!" I screamed, as a rats tarted to crawl up my leg, their claws dug into my skin causing me to let out a blood curdling scream,
"Help me! Please!" I shook my leg trying to get it off me, my "mother" was no where to be seen now, however rats were still everywhere and now 3 where clawing there way up my body, one was latched on to my arm, but thankfully at the last minute I got pulled from behind out of the room I looked up to see Bill and Richie and all the rats gone,
"Mollie, oh my good thank god you are ok" Richie said,
"I t-thought I was going to loose you" Bill hugged me in which I did in return I looked at my legs to see blood coming from the claw marks the rats gave me,
"Oh my god what happened in there?" Richie asked,
"There was rats I thought they were going to eat me alive" I panted,
"We need to get outta here" Bill said.
We heard weird gurgling noises coming from a mattress in the room, we looked at it to see Eddie's head poking out of the mattress.
"You wanna play loogie?" Eddie smiled creepily as weird black liquid came out of his mouth, causing me to gag in disgust. The black liquid starting to spread on the floor,
The head started to laugh demonically and shake, in panic I held onto Bill, this can't be Eddie. The black liquid spread at a rapid rate and started to burn into the floor causing us all to stand back, we looked behind us to see three doors,

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