Chap. 4

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I love Kyoko so much

Btw, please no spoilers(even though I basically know the entire plot lol)


Fifth Person POV(just 3rd but since there are four people...yeah.)

"Razor-ow!" Bennett looks down to see that he got stung by a bee. Razor then observes the sting. 

"...Bennett. Your bad luck is kinda annoying." Barbara puts some ointment on the sting. She know what worked and what didn't just because of Bennett. Noelle continued to hand Barbara things that she needed. Razor just watched Barbara work. He was fascinated by it all that Barbara was doing.

"How Barbara do that?" Razor asks her, standing up. She looks up and him, then at Noelle.

"Noelle, can you explain?" Barbara finishing treatment Bennetts bee sting. They then all get up and head over to a cafe. It was during lunch, so they could leave without problem. Bennett orders some eggs, Barbara orders some stew and Noelle orders pancakes. Razor doesn't order anything, as he had already hunted and eaten something beforehand. As their food arrives, Bennetts egg was apparently undercooked, and Noelle's pancakes were exactly how she liked them. They were nice and fluffy. After the cafe, they all went to the park. Noelle was basically their caretaker, as they all went to play on the playground. Razor fell down a thing and landed on a kid, while Bennett accidentally fell down the slide head first. Barbara was just going up and down the spinny thing, not paying attention to her poor friends. Noelle had to go and apologize to the kid that razor hit while making sure Bennett was alright. On top of this, Razor was biting Barbara's ankles, to get her to go help Bennett.

Third Person POV:

'Ah...the preforming arts class sure was difficult...' Yun Jin thinks to her self. She doesn't watch where she's going, and bumps into someone.

"Ah! Sorry partner! You alright?" Xinyan reaches her hand down, "Wait, Yun Jin?" She questions who she is.

"Xinyan! It has been a while, has it not?" Yun Jin stands up with the help of Xinyan.

" ya' been?" Xinyan tries to start a conversation. Yun Jin chuckles. She hugs Xinyan. 

"I've been amazing, how about you?" Xinyan doesn't know what to say.

"I've been, pretty awesome in matters concerning music!" Xinyan tries to distract herself from Yun Jin.

"That is good. Very good indeed..." Yun Jin whispers.

Third Person POV(alternative perspective):

"Ngh..." Kazuha groans as he wakes up. Scaramouche was still by his bed.

"Finally... Are you alright? Need water? Food? Your computer?" Scaramouche goes down the list. Kazuha was still half asleep.

"Kuni..." Kazuha mumbles just loud enough for Scaramouche to hear. Scaramouche blushes. No one had ever called him that before. He found Kazuha adorable enough already- what was he gonna do if Kazuha called him "Kuni" all the time? It would be a disaster. 

"Yeah..?" Scaramouche asks, still blushing. Kazuha sits up.

"I need water..." Kazuha yawns. Scaramouche nods and stands up. He goes to the kitchen to fill Kazuhas glass with water. Once he's done, he goes back to Kazuhas room.

"Kazuha. Get back on the bed." Scaramouche scolds him for getting up.

"Ok-" Kazuha coughs and stumbles into the wall. Scaramouche runs over to him and tries to help him off and take him to bed.

"I've been meaning to ask, why can't you really walk?" Scaramouche asks Kazuha, wondering why he couldn't stand for too long.

"O-oh, I just get really, really dizzy..." Kazuha mutters. Scaramouche nods and sits down on the bed next to Kazuha.

"Alright." Scaramouche faces Kazuha and pats his head. Kazuha gives him an angry look.

"What was that for?" He asks, clearly faking his angry act. Scaramouche laughs, finding "mad" Kazuha funny.  Kazuha keeps frowning. Scaramouche then leans over Kazuha. He then pats Kazuhas head again.

"It was for being cute~" Scaramouche teases him. Kazuha blushes. Scaramouche laughs quietly. Kazuha then grabs his arm.

"Fine. If I'm gonna be 'cute' them I'm gonna call you Kuni all of the time!" Kazuha declares. Scaramouche blushes and laughs.

"Alright." Scaramouche smiles. Kazuha then runs his hand down Scaramouche's arms until he reaches his hand. He intertwines their fingers and soon falls asleep. Scaramouche watches him as he peacefully sleeps. Kazuha starts to tighten his grip on Scaramouche's hand. Scaramouche was very confused why, but then saw Kazuha sweating.

"Hey, wake up." Scaramouche whispers. Kazuha jolts awake and starts coughing. 

"Don't...leave..." Kazuha mutters between coughs, tears forming in his eyes. Scaramouche tries to calm him down by putting his hand on Kazuhas shoulder. Kazuha jumps into him and wraps his arms around Scaramouche's neck. Scaramouche hugs him back not really knowing what to do. 

"What was it?" Scaramouche asks after Kazuha had calmed down. Kazuha takes a deep breath before speaking again.

"I had a nightmare about my best friend's death. He participated in a duel before the throne, and was killed by the Raiden Shogun. It was almost like I was being forced to relive it again." More tears form in Kazuhas eyes. Scaramouche felt terrible. Scaramouche continued hugging Kazuha, trying to comfort him the best he could. Kazuha eventually fell asleep, still in Scaramouche's arms. Scaramouche was forced to stay still to make sure Kazuha didn't wake up. Soon, he heard a knock on the door. He took a risk and yelled.

"Come in!" Scaramouche was worried he woke Kazuha up,  but Kazuha was still fast asleep. Scaramouche lets out a sigh of relief. He then sees someone peek their head through the door.

"He-oh! Sorry... didn't mean to wake him up... Anyway, I've brought the work that Kazuha missed out on today." Kirara almost yells before starting to whisper. Kirara hands Scaramouche a stack of papers and leaves. Scaramouche sets them on Kazuhas nightstand, before closing his eyes to enjoy Kazuhas company. He eventually falls asleep. 


Hi! Finished chapter 4! 2 days in. I can't believe I wrote so much anyway leave suggestions for characters

Word Count: 970

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