Chap. 7

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Miu is so cute!!!!!!(sometimes)


Third-Person POV:

"Heyyyyy! Xiao! Aether! Heizou!" Venti yells, trying to get their attention.

"What?" Heizou asks, slightly terrified.

"Aha! I'm holding a party in our dorm! Everyone! You should invite everyone you know! It's happening friday night so no one has a hangover during school." Venti explains.

"When did I agree to this??"

"You didn't!"

"Ugh...fine." Heizou finally gives in.


"I'll go invite everyone I know!" Aether runs off to go talk to people.

"I'm gonna go sit in silence back in my dorm."

"Phew...just me." Heizou stands there. He didn't know what to do. He knew one person he could invite, but they probably wouldn't agree if they knew it was him asking, so he planned to leave a note.

Kazuha POV:

"Kuni! I'm not sick anymore!" I try to argue that I can leave the dorm. Kuni still won't let me leave, even though I've gotten better.

"Fine. If you're really su-" The doorbell rings. 

"Come in!" I yell, letting whoever was there know that it was alright to enter. I got no response.

"Maybe it's a package, I'll go see." Kuni gets up and walks out to the living room. Shortly, he comes back and gives me a letter.

"It says it's for you." I open it and it's an invitation to a party in Ventis dorm. It also says to Invite everyone I know.

"Hey! It's a party invitation and I can invite anyone! Wanna go with me?" I ask Kuni. He seems to blush. I realize that he may think I'm asking him out, "S-sorry, I'm not trying to ask you out or something..." I also blush. There's an awkward silence before he nods 

"I'm gonna go to class now! For the second half of the day, otherwise known as the half I didn't experience! Bye!" I get up and run out of the dorm. I hear Kuni running behind me. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into someone.

"Ah! Sorry..." I mumble. When I fell I hit my head pretty hard.

"It's fine-wait, Kazuha?" I hear a familiar voice say. As I open my eyes, I see my inazuman friend Thoma. I wave as he puts out a hand to help me up.

"Kazuha. This is your fourth day and you've already ran into two people." I hear Kuni speak, annoyed.

"N-no! There's no need to get mad at Kazuha!" Thoma helps me up.

"Ehh...He needs to stop being clumsy." Kuni puts his arms around me. I feel heat rise to my face. Kuni puts his head on my shoulder.

"Are you two dating? Because you look really cute together." Thoma says out of the blue. I nearly throw up out of shock. I look down.

"Nah." I hear Kuni speak from over my shoulder. He was somehow calm after Thoma said that while I was a blushing mess. I feel Kuni lift his head off my shoulder. His arms slowly falling down to his sides. I see him walk over beside me and try to pick up my facial expression. I feel him grab my chin and tilt my head up to face him. My heart races.

"Hm...why are you blushing so much? You know... you're kind of cute when you're flustered~" Kuni teases. I barely stay standing up as I try to look away from him. I couldn't handle the situation.

"...are you sure you're not a couple?" Thoma asks, not sure whether Kuni is lying or not. 

"Yeah. I'm sure." 

"...ok." Thoma then turns around and Aether's just standing there waiting to invite him.

"Oh! Kazuha, almost time for class." Kuni grabs my arm. I don't move, still flustered. "Kazuha. I was kidding. Now c'mon, don't wanna be late!" He laughs and drags me with him before I start running alongside him. For some reason, I was kinda sad that he was kidding. I hear a notification from my phone, so while we're running I grab it out of my pocket and look. Before I know it, I'm almost entering class, so I have to shut my phone off. I'll check it later. In the middle of class, I think of Kuni. He didn't seem like he was kidding, but I don't really have any other details other than his word, so I'll just believe him. He was really nice while he took care of me, and he didn't care what I wanted, he just got it for me. Sometimes he would come and watch TV with me. It didn't matter what the task was, he just always complied. It doesn't make sense though. I know he's a fatui harbinger, so why is he so nice? Fatui harbingers are known for being ruthless, so why is he so kind? 

Class ends and I leave to go to my next one. I had spent some time doing school work while sick, so I'm caught up on all my classes. On my way, I see one of Kunis friends.

"Heyyy, you're Kazuha, right? So, um, don't ask how I got your number but I sent you a voice recording of something you may wanna listen to..." He runs over to me and begins talking. I had completely forgotten about the mystery notification. 

"Oh! That was you, hold on, I'll check it now." I pull out my phone and start the voice recording. I hear Kunis voice say something that I find very hard to believe came out of his mouth. I turn bright red and Kunis friend raises his eyebrows at me.

"So...I know it kinda doesn't sound like something he would say, but he did say it. But don't tell him or show him that, he doesn't know I was recording it." His friend whispers to me. I am still flustered, but I nod and walk to my next class. I sit next down next to a girl with purple and blue hair.

"Hello! I'm Kazuha, what's your name?" I ask her, curious who I am sitting next to in this class. She looks up at me and her eyes widen. She then looks at me angrily.

"It's Mona. Talk to me after school, behind the school." She tells me. I get a bit worried, but decide not to ask why. We don't talk for the rest of class which is very awkward. Once I get up after the bell rings, I go to find Kuni. My mind drifts off, and I still somehow run into him. He had a bunch of girls flocking to him and he was flirting with every one of them. For some reason it makes me mad that he had a bunch of girls following him. I'll have to talk to him about that later. I make it to my next class and sit down. Nobody sits next to me. Guess I'm the one sitting alone this class. I then take out my books and materials. I was in business this period. Once class is finished, I go to meet Mona behind the school. I was a bit worried when she didn't show up for a while, but eventually she got there.

"So, what did you want to-" I feel Mona push me to the ground. "Wha-why did you do tha-agh!" She kicks me. I was so confused. Why was Mona beating me up?

"Stay away from Scaramouche. He's mine." Everything became a bit clearer. She thought me and Kuni were dating.

"We're not dating, and how do I stay away from him? We share a-" She slaps me. She kicks me again. She continues this cycle of kicking and punching until I'm on the brink of passing out.

"Now stay away from him or I do this again, only next time I make it worse, got that?" I don't react. What did she mean by worse? Wasn't this already bad enough? Was she going to torture me next? I decided not to fight back, to lose all chances of hurting her, but what if I did? Would I still be able to walk then? She had stomped on my legs so many times they were numb. I doubt I could walk if I tried. My arms, as well, had suffered the same fate. I couldn't move, so I gave up on trying. She walks away and leaves me helpless. I couldn't even call for help, as she also stomped on my throat. I was completely useless. I hate this feeling. I layed there for what, 5 hours? I couldn't fall asleep due to the utter pain I was experiencing. Eventually, I passed out. 


Sorry for the poorly written violence XD Character suggestions are still open.

Word count: 1413

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