Chap. 9

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Before I start writing, THANKS FOR 100 VIEWS🎉! I'm pretty surprised considering this is my first story on here but thanks for all the looking at words on a screen! Ok, gotta write now.


Kirara POV:

Oh! You're here again! Hiiii! I was just hanging out with my best buddies Gorou and Itto!!! Itto is HILARIOUS! Idk why but Gorou always gets super flustered when Itto talks about Ms. Hina. Idk why, but I'll keep you guys updated. Oop. Gorou just fell. Again. He needs to work on his balance. Like, I know he doesn't always land on his feet like a Nekomata or Kitsune, but like...STOP TRIPPING SO MUCH! I bet you guys already know that there's a party tonight, I'm going so be prepared ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ! Haha, that's right, I can use emojis and stuff! Woah...what is that? There's a fluffy thing over there! I'm gonna go see what happens if I poke it!

Scaramouche POV:

While me and Kazuha were at lunch I saw Signora over in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Signora? Shouldn't you be dead? Like, what are you doing back here? Go to the land of the dea-" I watch something or somebody put a plastic bag over her head to kill her again. It was this one girl named Hu Tao. I saw her around Liyue and I'm pretty sure she's a funeral director so that's good. Take the fire/ice girl back to deaths door. And then have her walk straight through it. 

"Ok, anyway, Kazu, come this way I wanna show you something." I smile at him I see him look at me in awe. I lead him out to the left side of the school. I then start climbing the fence. He gains a worried look on his face.

"Kuni, it says we can't go back there, are you sure it's safe?" I feel him grab my arm. I jump down off the fence and look at him.

"Just because we're not allowed to doesn't mean it's not safe." A mischievous grin spreads across my face as I once again begin climbing. Soon enough I jump off the top and land. Kazuha tries to do the same but almost lands on his face. Luckily I catch him. I watch his cheeks glow a light red.

"You didn't have to catch me..." I barely hear him mutter. I laugh a little walking into the spacious garden that was behind the fence.

"I know. But, would you wanna get injured? No. So shut up and thank me." I laugh once more when I feel him kick the back of my ankle.

"Meanie..fine. Thanks..." I see him pretend to be mad again. 

"Alright. Come with me, I found this place a couple days ago, and it's really nice." The garden is giant and has all different kinds of plants. Little did Kazuha know, I set up a little picnic spot. He continues following me until we reach the spot.

"Oh, maybe we shouldn't sit here, someone seems to be having a picnic right now." I watch him smile nervously.

"I set this up for us, Idiot." I look at him, trying to hold in my laughter as I see him turn red from embarrassment. I finally laugh.

"O-oh..." He mutters, sitting down. He looks sad for some reason.

"Hey, something wrong?" I ask him a few minutes later, while he still has his sad expression, "Also, are you not gonna eat?" I comment, wondering why he hadn't eaten anything when I've asked him if he wanted food.

"Um...I-uh...Nothing is wrong." He avoids my last question. I have a noticeable anger in my eyes that he wouldn't tell me why he wasn't eating.

"I'll ask again. Why aren't you eating?" I ask him more seriously. He looks down.

"Sorry... I'm just not that hungry right no-" I grab his shoulder and look him in the eyes.

"Not gonna work. I took care of you while you were sick, and you did not once ask for food. Why haven't you been eating properly? Just give me an honest answer and I'll let it go unless it's something worrying."

He sighs, " I haven't been eating because while I was traveling before I came here, I always was a bit short on food. So, I didn't eat much. And, if you didn't know, it's dangerous to eat a lot after fasting for a while." He answers. I let go of his shoulder and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. I grab my food again and take a bite.

"I see. You ate quite a lot on the first day. Did you put yourself in danger just to make a good impression?" I ask him, wanting more and more answers. It for some reason felt kinda greedy asking for more answers. Either way, I needed to know. He doesn't say anything and just sits there. He then reaches over for some food.

"What's in this? Also the amounts." He asks me. I frown. He didn't answer my question and it didn't seem like he was planning to. I list the ingredients and their amounts and he takes a bite.

"Kazuha, please answer me." I ask him nicer this time. I see him pause and look up at me.

"That's the first time I've heard you say please!" He avoids the question once more. He smiles as I continue to grow more upset.

"Kaedahara Kazuha. If you don't trust me, just say it. Don't waste your energy avoiding the question." A stand up and look down at him.

"I...Kuni..." I watch him look at the ground. I while later I see a tear fall on his lap. I immediately regret saying that as I lean down to make sure he's ok.

"...Kazuha?" I ask, looking at him. He tilts his head up and looks at me, though he immediately looks away, avoiding eye contact. For the short time he was looking at me, I saw tears in his eyes. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. He clenches the back of my shirt as tears soak into the shoulder of it.

"Yeah?" He mutters softly, his face still buried in my neck. I look up.

"Please...I just want to make sure you know you can tell me anything." I look back down at him. He had stopped crying a bit ago.

"Y-yes. Yes. I did. I also didn't want to worry you." He mumbles just loud enough that I can hear him. I decide to ask one more question.

"One more question please?" He nods.

"Do you really not remember what happened when you ended up behind the school?" He stays still.

"Nope. I really don't remember." He looks at me with a straight face. He seemed to be telling the truth, so I left it alone.

Sangonomiya Kokomi POV:

"So, Sara, are you going to be going to that party tonight?" I speak from beside her. She looks at me and then looks back. We had gone to the beach for a day, as Sara had an injured arm and couldn't go to school. We were sitting atop a cliff watching the waves as they slowly raised onto the beach, and then sunk back down. We sat there for a moment in silence.

"Maybe. It really depends on whether I'm feeling up to it." I hear her over the loud crashing of the waves further down the beach. I nod and look at her.

"I'm not going. All the people there, it makes me nervous." She nods, still making eye contact. 

"Then I'm not going."  She speaks, not looking away for second. My eyes direct themselves back to the waves.

"Why? Because I said I'm not?" I blush thinking of this. I see her nod and I'm even more surprised. Sara not going to something because of me? I mean, it's not unheard of...

" don't have to do that because of me..." I speak softly, as to enjoy the waves. She sighs, then looking back at the waves.

"I know. But I'd like to." She speaks, closing her eyes as to enjoy the ocean breeze.

"Would you like me to go grab us lunch?" I ask, noticing the time. She nods. I go and grab us food. When I come back, she seems to be waiting for me. I hear some children yelling. We then sit down and eat


Sry I kinda lost motivation I was hoping to make this a longer chapter and it did end up being on the long side but still. 

Word Count: 1399

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