Pham Hanni//Lie To Me

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Hanni X Y/n

Wc: 2216

Rqstd: safeplace125

They said changes between two lovers only happens when one of them suddenly feel bored or tired in the relationship, no matter how many years you have stayed with each other already, loving will only suck in a seconds that you fight for a effortless love.

But in your case with your dearly fiancé is different,well its really different because she gets bored loving you while you get tired putting effort to make it at least work. How nice of her to give all the work to you.

Seven years of being girlfriends from being highschool sweethearts and now that the two of you reach your dreams to the highest top of the stars, the two of you known for being strong and a very inspirational couple and individual in the industry that you are in. Three months of being fiancé's and being the happiest person alive everytime her voice resounds in your head, you still feel the butterflies in your stomach, the crazy way of how your heart just thump so loud like the very first moment that your eyes met with her beautiful and shining ones. why it can't be the same way as it goes for Hanni?

You love her and sure you know she do the same way, even if your relationship turns sour everynight, every phone call that only ended up of her telling you she's so busy for you to bother her at the middle of the night, of her stopping you to come at her house cause you badly want to meet her. At this point the differrent kind of rush goes through your veins, you feel like the overthinking already reach its depth but you shove it off, Hanni loves you and she will never ever do something to hurt you, right?

This time, you somehow know that the confidence in your chest had slowly melting away everytime you tried to make yourself believe that everything will be alright.

This time you had choose to take Hanni's anger than missing her like crzay, you drove your car all the way from your big condominium to her big house and on your way, you feel your stomach twisting in all ways possible as it twist and it hurts you so much to stay still in a relationship that isn't working anymore.

Upon reaching the front door, you don't know what you feel or what is stronger. The excitement or the fear of her discovering that all of your over thinking is real and staying with her is all build of a bullshit.

Knocking at the door three times but you hear nothing, you didn't fish out your phone, you doesn't need her pushing you away again, you lift up the pot to see the extra key she had always left there and you put the ends at the key hole and twisting it in a most slow and heavy hands.

Something inside you keeps on telling you to stop turn your back and leave, but a big part of you keeps resounding a words of keep going in your head, you are a big slave of love or Hanni's slave when it comes to loving so you keep going and just follow what your heart telling you. to be finally reunited with Pham Hanni again.

Opening it wide you enter the house and you step in with your weak knees that you didn't know the reason since it's the first time you feel this, the first time Hanni make you feel like this.

Few steps and you reach the living room, but you wish you get blind on the spot for a little while so your eyes will block the sight in front of you protecting your heart from breaking, keep being a fool loving and fighting for a love where you had left alone. In this case your heart feels it is better in that way.

Your tears flowed from your eyes, tears after tears fall from it and whats even hurts you the most is that Hanni really looks comfortable on Kim Minji's embrace.

How can your sister Minji do this to you?, how can your fiancé which you trusted the most, hurt you like you mean nothing to her, its her who promised to love you without being fear of being hurt because she had love you for years and for days already. All of it is a shitty lies.

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