Chapter 13- A necessary evil

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I look at james. He's a weedy lean man. Not like he used to be. What me and Mike did to him last time Meg over dosed left him badly injured he used to go to the gym but couldn't for so long because of what we had done. The last time we had nearly killed him. I had cracked him over the head with cricket bat a little to hard only 1 other person knew what we did to him and that was Rachel. She hated that we had done it. But it was a necessary evil. "You've lost all your muscle bitch boy" Mike quips. I walk over and kick him in the rib. "We told what would happen if you dealt to her ever again and what did you do dealt enough to nearly kill her" I say. I kick him in the ribs again he rolls across the room till he hits a wall.

I start to just rain kicks down on him. "Fucking Dip shit" I snarl at him as I kick him again and again in the ribs. He coughs weakly. "Had enough already" Mike says with a laugh. Mike brings a the bat down on his leg. "AH FUCK" James yelps. "Your stash where is it" I say. He points to a cupboard. I open it and see maybe 50 bags of coke. "Smart man" I say. Mike kicks him in the face. I grab a duffel bag from james room. "I'm keeping this bag" I say. He mutters a weak agreement. I pile all the coke into the bag and sling it over my shoulder. "Let's leave this little bitch" I say. We turn and start to leave when I go back. "Deal to her ever again and I'll fucking kill you" I say.

We leave. I throw the duffel bag in the boot and get in the car once far enough away we throw the balaclavas in the glove box. We drive to a corner shop and purchase some vodka and a box of matches. We then drive to a nearby campsite. We set up the campfire and pile up the coke. We then pour the vodka all over our pile. We light a couple matches and watch it burn. "Necessary evils" I say. Mike nods his head. We did the same thing 5 years ago when we took James's stash. We get back in the car as the embers die out on the now destroyed pile of drugs. I get mike to drop me off at the hospital. I go up to the room that megs in. I open the door and hear Meg softly Breathing. "Is she asleep?" I whisper to Rachel. She nods her head. "You didn't kill him did you?" She says. I shake my head. Rachel let's out a sigh of relief. "Just battered him and burned his stash" I say. She looks me in the eyes and lets out a deep sigh. "You don't look happy you did it" she says. I nod my head. "Necessary evils though" I say. Rachel nods her head. She gets up. "I'll leave you be" she says. I nod my head.

A couple hours pass by.I'm glaring at the floor when "Are you just gonna brood in the corner?" Meg asks me. I look up and see her sat up In the bed. I nod my head. She chuckles. "Alright Batman I'll leave you to it" she says. I chuckle. "Your getting clean Meg" I say. She sighs deeply. "Why reg?" She says. I think about it for a second. "Well your dad lost your mum first of all, your all he's got left, secondly I don't know what I'd do with myself if I knew you killed your self by over dose" I say. Meg looks taken aback. I go back to looking at the floor. "Reg?" She says. I look up. She stands up and walks over to me. "Thank you" she whispers. She kisses my cheek lightly. I look her in the eye. "Meg..." she cuts me off with a kiss. It's a quick one just as quickly as it started it's over. "Shush I know" she says. She returns to the bed. "You should sleep" I say. She chuckles. "You should to reg" she says. The rooms door opens and in walks Joel. "Fucking hell reg ,get yourself home" he says. I look up and chuckle. "If you say so joel" I leave the room and walk home. When I get home I hit the sofa with a heavy sigh. "Fuck me what a day" I say. I drift off on the sofa.

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