Chapter 23- fucking chaos

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Me and Alexis get onto our floor and well there's already trouble. Meg is stood in the middle of the client retention office. "Oh fuck" Alexis mummers. We walk into the office. "What the fuck are you doing here Alexis?" She says. I raise my eyebrow. "Meg this is my department now" she says. Meg takes a step forward. I cautiously position myself between the two women. "Over my dead Fuckin body" Meg says. I sigh and stand in front of Alexis. "Meg come on be reasonable, I don't know what Joel's told you but please calm down it doesn't have to be this way" I say. She grunts. "First she steals the man I love, then she steals my fuckin job" she says. She grits her teeth and leaps forward crashing into my chest. Winded I stumble back. I grab onto a table and catch my breath. An almighty crash echoes as Meg throws Alexis into a chair. I hear someone running over. I look over at Alexis she's laying on the floor a bloody gash across her head. I grab megs arms from behind her back and restrain her as Joel runs in. "For fuck sake" he says when he sees the state of Alexis and me holding back meg. He gestures for me to let go of his daughter.

I carefully step back letting her arms go free. "FOR FUCK SAKE MEG" he shouts at her. I walk over to Alexis and check on her. "WHAT THE FUCK DID I FUCKING TELL YOU?" Joel shouts at Meg. I help Alexis to her feet and lift her into a table. I grab a box of tissues and try to stem the bleeding. "I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO LEAVE IT ALONE, I TOLD YOU I COULDN'T TRUST YOU WITH A FUCKING DEPARTMENT CUS YOU FUCKED AROUND WITH DRUGS IN MY FUCKING OFFICE, YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE THE HEIR TO THE COMPANY. NOT THE CRAZY NUT BAG WHO GOES ROUND BEATING PEOPLE FOR BEING ASKED TO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, FOR FALLING FOR THE GUY YOU SUPPOSEDLY LOVE BUT FROM WHERE I'M STANDING IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE IT, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE RIGHT FUCKING NOW MEG, DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK TILL YOU GROW THE FUCK UP!" He shouts at a terrified meg. I apply pressure to the cut on Alexis's head and eventually the bleeding stops. Meg trudges away. "Take her to the hospital, I'll handle you guy's departments for the day" Joel says. I nod my head and take Alexis back to my car.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. She smiles weakly and nods her head. Her eyes then slightly flutter. "Ah that's not great" I say. I drive to the hospital and park in the car park. "Fuck why is the car park so far away" I mutter. I lift Alexis out of the car and carry her. She woozily comes to. "Hey cute guy" she says. I chuckle. "Hey yourself cutie" I say. She nestled into my chest. "You've got a comfy chest" she says. She's still woozy from coming to having just passed out in my car. I carry her to the reception desk. "Bloody hell what happened to her?" The nurse at the desk asks me. I think of the best way to explain it. "She uh got sent through a chair" I say. The nurse raises an eyebrow. "WWE style of that helps" I say. The nurse nods her head and takes a look at the cut on Alexis's head. "Who stopped the bleeding?" She asks me. "Oh uh that was me, I didn't have anything to cover the cut" I say. The nurse shakes her head. "Nonsense you did a good job, you stopped the bleeding making it easier to figure out the damage, has she passed out yet?" The nurse asks me. I nod my head.

The nurse calls over a doctor who looks at the cut. "So the good news is she won't need stitches" he says. I let out a sigh of relief. "However the passing out is a slight worry, it's most likely shock" he says. He calls over a doctor with a bed. "We're gonna take her to a room and let her lie down for a bit" the doctor says. I follow them as they wheel her to a room. I grab a chair and sit next to her. "Fuck" I mummer. Buddy my head in the side of the bed and silently cry. Eventually I feel a hand touch my head. I sit up and see Alexis. "Babe! Are you okay?" I ask her . She smiles and nods her head. "Well I think so" she says. "One sec I'll go and get a doctor" i say. I rush out the room and find one of the doctors from earlier he comes in and says that Alexis is ok and we can go when ever.

"Reg what the fuck happened?" She asks me. I open the car door for her. "Meg" I say. Alexis nods her head. I close the door and go round to my door. I slide in and start the car. "She uh WWE slammed you throw a chair pretty much" I say. Alexis nods her head. "What a bitch" she says. I nod my head. "Joel must've heard the ruckus Cus he came in and shouted at Meg" I say. Alexis raises her eyebrow. "Your joking" she says. I shake my head. "I've seen Joel be nothing but nice even through out the drug bullshit he never once broke and got angry" I say. Alexis nods her head. "I've only ever seen him angry once before" Alexis says. I raise an eyebrow at her. "The day he found out who mega heroin dealer was when we where teenagers" she says. I nod my head, we pull into my drive way. "Wait how do you know he found the drug dealer?" I ask her. Her face turns serious. "Remember how I said I have twin younger brothers" she says. My face forms an O "oh" I say. She nods her head.

"Well that must've been interesting" I say. She nods her head. "Yeah Joel and my dad kicked in his bedroom door and everything" she says. I nod my head. I get out the car and go round and open her door. "Reg you really don't need to do all this" she says. I chuckle and smile at her, I then lift her off her feet and carry her. "Alexis you just got WWE slammed through a chair Cus of me this is the least I can do" I say. She chuckles and nestles into my chest. "Well if you insist" she says. I struggle to unlock the front door and then carry her upstairs and place her on the bed. "The doctors said you need rest so until you feel totally ok I'm your personal butler" I say. She giggles at me. "Y'know how you just carried me up the stairs" she says with a giggle. I sigh and lift her up. "Where to?" I ask.

She mummers for a second and nestles her head in chest. "I fancy something to eat" she says. I carry her down the stairs. I place her next to a stool. "Sit there and I'll go and grab something" I say. She sits down and I rush over to the living room. I grab a arm chair and carry it i it the kitchen. I rush back and grab a fluffy cushion. I run upstairs and grab a blanket from upstairs."one throne fit for a queen" I say. Alexis giggles. I walk over to the fridge. "So what am I making for you?" I ask her. She's still giggling from the stool. "Oh god sake" I say. I go over and lift her over to the armchair I just moved. She smiles and giggles some more.

"Surprise me" she says. I smile and start to grab various ingredients from the fridge. "Ok your the boss" I say. She giggles. I start to cut vegetables and do various bits of preparation. After an hour I place a plate of food in front of her. She gratefully eats the food and then looks up at me. "Reg you've got a dark look on your face" she says. She can tell what's on my mind. I smile at her. "I'll be back I'm gonna go and fix this" I say. I go and grab a jacket and get into my car. Alexis runs out after me. She wraps her arms Around me. "Be careful" she whispers. I chuckle and kiss her lips. "Carefulls my middle name" i quip.

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