Chapter 19- Cupids bow

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Trigger warning- conversation around drug addiction

I pull away from mike and Rachel's place and drive over to the coffee shop. I pull up and spot Gemma and Alexis. Gemma looks confused seeing my car. I see Alexis typing on her phone.

Alexis- she doesn't know it's you by the way
Reg- 😂😂😂 wanna surprise her
Alexis- fuck yes 😂

I put my phone in my pocket and get out my car. Alexis brightens up when she sees me and Gemma has a face of shock. I walk into the coffee shop and kiss Alexis's soft lips. Gemma's jaw hangs open. "Fuck.... Me!" She exclaims. Me and Alexis burst out laughing. "I suggested this to both you... I didn't expect you two to do it so quickly" she says. I smile and burst out laughing. "Well we work quickly Cupid" Alexis says. I chuckle and sit down. Alexis presses herself against me. "Cupids bow strikes again" Gemma says with a chuckle. I smile at her and wrap my arm around Alexis. "Fuck i should've expected it" Gemma says. I raise an eyebrow and Alexis chuckles. "What do you mean by that" Alexis says with a giggle. "Did you really expect me to notice you two the other night" she says. I nervously chuckle. "What do you mean" I say. Gemma chuckles. "I saw you two grinding on each other at the bar plus you kinda had a make out sesh in the alleyway behind mine and Alex's house" she says. My face turns to shock and alexis's face is scarlet. "How much did you see?" She's asks. Gemma winks at us. "Oh shit you saw a lot then" I say. Gemma nods her head.

We sit for a bit and talk shit with Gemma, till the coffee shop closes. I lift Alexis off her feet and carry her to my car. "God you get the premium boyfriend experience" Gemma says jokingly. Alexis chuckles. "If he's not careful I'll marry him on the spot" she says. I open the door and set her down gently. "M'lady" I say jokingly. I watch as Alexis goes scarlet. "You better keep him" Gemma says. Alexis slides into the car seat and I close the door. "Does Meg know yet?" Gemma says. I nod my head. She raises her eyebrow. "Bet that was messy" she says. I nod my head. Gemma smiles. "Keep her reg, there's way more to Alexis than you think" Gemma says. I chuckle and nod my head. I get into my car and smile at Alexis. "So where to now darling" I say she chuckles.

"How about dinner?" She says. I smile and drive us to a nice restaurant nearby. We get a table for two. "Y'know you never really told me your life story" she says. I chuckle as the waiter walks over we order drinks. Alexis gets a glass of red wine and I get a coke., I shake my head at her. "Well there's not really much that's interesting in my life story, I mean I went to uni here in Cambridge with Meg, I guess you could say I knew Meg quite well" I say. Alexis chuckles and raise her eyebrow. "No fucking way" she says. I nod my head. "Yeah me and her where kinda friends with benefits in uni, never went beyond that, she wanted it back when I came back here" I say. Alexis looks worried. "Did you?" She says to me. "Twice then I realised I shouldn't stay stuck in the past, sadly the past seems to be haunting me a little" I say. Alexis looks concerned I sit across from her. "Did Joel tell you why she wasn't breathing in her office" I say. Alexis shakes her head. "I've known Meg since we where kids so I reckon I can guess" she says.

I raise my eyebrow. "Wait you've known Meg since you where kids" I say. Alexis nods her head. "Yeah her dad and my dad went to uni together and where roommates, they stayed in Cambridge and where friends, Joel was the reason I got the job in his office, mind you I started as a normal worker then made it to be Joel's secretary and temporary manager when ever a manager was off, if megs done what I think she's done then her head is gonna leave her as his secretary and look for a new successor" she says . I raise an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean by that" I say. Alexis has a grave look on her face. "It was drugs wasn't it" Alexis says. I nod my head. "Fuck she promised me she'd quit" she says. I raise my eyebrow. "When we 15 she did heroin with her boyfriend at the time her mum caught her hiding her stash and she flew off the handle at Meg" she says. I raise my eyebrow at Alexis. "Shit it was coke this time and last time" I say. Alexis has a grave face on. The waiter comes over and takes our food order and additional drinks order.

"Anyway wanna learn some more about me" I say. Alexis nods her head. For the next 2 hours I tell her about where I used to live and my dads job. Alexis has 4 or 5 wine glasses in that time and I have a couple pints. "What about your mum" Alexis asks me. I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "She left when I was 4, haven't seen her since" I say. Alexis reaches over and holds my hand. "I'm sorry" she says. I smile "eh it's fine despite being a big boss my dad always found time for me, he was the best dad you could ask for, wasn't a great boss to me but that's fine" I sat. Alexis's face has a big smile on it. "So how did you end up working for Joel" I ask her. She chuckles "well I finished top of my class in business at Oxford uni and then Joel offered me and Meg jobs, we both took them and I worked in client retention, I worked under Gemma who was my supervisor for a while and then I got promoted to supervisor and worked with Gemma then Joel offered me the secretary role and that was 6 months ago and now I'm department manager" she says with a chuckle. I smile at. "That's a hell of a rise to the top" I say. Alexis chuckles. "Yeah but I'm not really interested in the top, I don't give a shit about the boardrooms I just want to live life to the fullest" she says. I nod my head. "Yeah I get what you mean" I say. She smiles and finishes her glass of wine. "Shit it's getting late" she says. I smile and nod my head. I reach for my wallet "no no let me pay" she says. I shake my head and ask the waiter for the bill. "50/50?" She says. I smile and shake my head. "No insist" I say. She smiles and shakes her head. "50/50" she says. I shrug my shoulders and relent. "I mean if you insist" I say. we get up and leave the restaurant after paying. "so what do you wanna do now?" I ask her. she smiles "welllllllll we could just cuddle" Alexis says. I smile and wrap my arm around her. she cuddles up to me. "sure" i say. we jump into the car and drive back to mine.

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