Chapter 17

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We just packed small bags with one or two pairs of clothes and other stuff. Jane couldn't come with us due some reasons in her house. So we were all ready and Rachel was jumping around.......she was back to normal Rachel.

We went in the car and another Jackpot for me- Rachel sat on my lap again! On the radio they were playing 'Domino'.''Im felling sexy and free, Like glitter's raining on me You're like a shot of pure gold I think I'm bout to explode I can taste the tension like a cloud of smoke in the air Now I'm breathing like I'm running cause you're taking me there'' We sang

We went to the airport and found out that our flight is 2 hrs late. We couldn't go back cauze that will take an hour to go back home so we went to the private waiting lounge.

Rachel was drinking juice and it fell on her dress. ''Oh great!'' she went and changed her dress. There was a washroom in lounge. She came out and was looking damn sexy.

She wore a short top with skinny jeans. She was trying to put the hook to the back of the chain attached to the dress. I went and held her hand and put her hands down. I put the hook for her and pulled the zip which was at the back of her shirt,

She shivered a bit when i put the zip for her. I went back and sat down on my laptop. Jay looked at me and showed thumbs up.

''Flight no.NR1018 is now boarding to paris, france! Please procced to gate no.93. Thank you and have a safe flight to france!''

''Finally! Lets go!'' said Max. We went inside the plane business class. The seating in a row was like - single, dobule and single. I was on the single seat in front Rachel Nareesha and Siva sat together  max sat alone Liz and Megan sat together tom and Jay sat alone . Business class was empty-only we were there so we had a lot of fun.

Tom was concentrating on the flight ticket for wat i have no idea. After sometime '' wont beleive this but this ticket tells us about Rach and Nathan.'' said Tom

''Tom? Are u outta your mind? How can it tell about-''

''Look NR- Which is Nathan and Rachel, 10- 10th of november, rachel's birthday. 18-18th April, Nath's birthday and gate no 93.- 1993, the year when these two were born!'' Tom said.

''Holy shit! It does tell us about these two!'' Nareesha screamed. Just for that they took a wantedwednesday video! Max and Siva.......again sleeping! It was a 3 hour journey. Everyone was sleeping except for me!

I turned around to see Rachel sleep....she looked hot! Her purse was there at the side and i took out her diary......i know im not supposed to do that but...... Just then Rachel got up.

I quickly put the diary back in her purse and pretended as if i was sleeping. She got up ''You cant pretend to be sleeping infront of me!'' she said.

I didn't respond. ''Ouch!'' she said. I thought she got hurt and got up.


''I knew it! You weren't sleeping!'''

''Alright! You caught me!''

''How much more time till we reach?''

''2 hours!'' I got up and saw Liz sitting and sleeping on Tom. Max was sleeping with his green hood on. ''Max? are you asleep?'' Rachel whispered

''Huh? Wat?'' Max replied.

''Oh...your awake...''

''Yea.....'' he streched.

''You know you look like an elf!'' i said.

''Elf? Just because im wearing a green hoodie!?'' we nodded. ''Watever!'' he went back to sleep. I went over to Tom. Liz was sleeping with her hands around Tom.

''Aww they look so cute together'' i said and took a picture of them.

''Tom? Tom? Thomas?'' said Rachel. Tom got up.


''Nothing.....we have another 1 hr and 20mins!''

''Ok let me sleep with Liz!'' He put his hands around her and slept.

Rachel started watching Twilight. I went to her ''Why do keep watching this movie and that half wolfman?''

''Im watching this movie to see Taylor Lautner's abs!''  she replied. I laughed.

I sat down and the airhostess came and I purposly started flirting with her. Rachel saw me and ''Can i please have a glass of apple juice? Thanks'' the airhostess made a 'ugh' face and went. Rach came and stood in front of me

''Did you even see wat she was doing?'' she asked

''Wat i was just talking to her!''

''She was about to kiss you! You dont think! Idiot!''

''Ok! Sorry!'' We reached Paris and i had no idea that there were so many fans in Paris! We went to the hotel. We freshend up and got ready to go to disneyland.

''Nathan you are going to sit in the roller coater!''

''No.....i cant!''

''Look, go once and you will keep going again and again!'' said Rachel.

We went inside disneyland. We saw Cinderella. Max went and danced with Cinderella. I went and danced with minnie mouse. Rachel danced with the prince in 'Sleeping beauty'!

I went in the roller coaster and it was bloody scary ''Im never going in a roller coater!'' i screamed. Everyone was laughing at me and Megan.

The parade was going on and the others were taking pictures. Jay pulled me to the side, ''Did you forget? You have to tell rachel!''

''No i haven't forgotten I will tell her after the parade!''

After the parade was over ''Guys i will be back in a minute! Stay here!'' i said. I grabbed Rachel's hand and I took her to the coner in a gazebo.It was dark and there were some lights. No one was there.

''Why'd you bring me here?'' she asked.

''Ok...there's something important that I need to tell you!' I took a deep breath.''Close your eyes!''


''Just close your eyes'' she closed her eyes and I went behind her. ''I-LOVE YOU!'' She opened her eyes.


finally decided to do it!

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