Maybe less

330 6 0


Rebecca Ferguson




She looked around before locking eyes with you. She smiled widely, making her way up to you. She looked stunning, you thought. She had a short white dress, with flowers embroided all over it. Her hair was curled and she had a light touch of makeup. You stared at her for a bit before hugging her.

"It's been so long!"

"It is! I'm shocked you still remember me!"

She said, giggling. How could you forget her? She was your entire world, you could never ever forget a person like her.

She still had the same effect on you: your heartbeat quickened, you had butterflies in your stomach, you couldn't stop smiling and you felt almost dizzy, like her presence was too much to bare. She was a goddess on earth and you were a mere servant of hers.


You laughed awkwardly. She tilted her head to the side and you almost choked on nothing. Wonderful. If anybody could read your mind, in that moment, they would find the Lady Gaga meme where she kept spitting out compliment after compliment. Literally, that's what you were doing in your head.

"What do you want to do?"

"Ah... you know, I didn't think you would actually come so..."

You admitted. She grinned, taking your hand in hers. You gulped, feeling your hand starting to sweat. Her skin was soft.

"Want to walk around a bit?"

You nodded, retrieving your hand from hers. You started walking beside her, and you closed your eyes as soon as her scent hit you. It was sweet, like peaches and daisies. You almost leaned closer, but she made you snap out of your trance.

"So... what do you do now?"

You used to go to the same university, she was ten years older than you but that didn't stop you from falling hard for her. You became a book translator while she... well, she was famous and, thinking about it, you were so lucky to have been able to see her that day. She made time to meet you, she freed a bit of her busy schedule to be with a person like you and you thought that was really sweet of her. She even remembered you. Fantastic.

"Ah well, you know how I always said that I'd like to translate books and stuff?"

Rebecca nodded, her eyes shimmering.

"Don't tell me you are a translator!"

You grinned and she applauded.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you, Y/N!"

The fact that she was happy for you made you so glad, like you were actually hearing for the first time that you were a translator.

"I don't have to ask you what you do because..."

"Yeah, pretty obvious."

You both laughed. Her laugh was divine. It was like listening to Billie Eilish singing high notes.

You walked for about an hour, talking about your lives, what changed and what not. She told you about her children, and about her husband and you noticed she always looked down while talking about him.

"He is... well, he treats me well, that's a good thing."

You knew she hid something but you didn't want to intrude so you didn't ask anything about it. After a while, she stopped on her track, and looked at you.

"Come to my house, won't you?"

You remained petrified. To her house?

"I insist."

How could you say no to her? And so you accepted, and her eyes lit up like stars in the night sky. You were mesmerised by her, by her everything.

And so you were there, before your eyes appeared this beautiful white and brown house. She kept smiling, and you could feel the happiness she was feeling. And you were euphoric too, even though you couldn't believe it was real.

"Come, make yourself at home."

The house was big and pretty. Two children made their appearence and shook your hand politely. One even kissed you and told you:

"I'm so glad my mom made you come. You made her regain her spark. Thank you!"

And, as soon as they appeared, they disappeared. You looked around you, feeling overwhelmed. You were in Rebecca's house. Your head was spinning.

"Come, sit."

She said, waving you to go near her. And you were so close, you could have almost kissed her, and you were about to when...

"Wake up!"

You opened your eyes, lazily.

"Bloody Hell!"

You covered your face with your hands. It was all a dream. Of course it was, you knew it was too perfect to be a reality. You looked up. Rebecca would never remember you. She didn't think of you the way you thought of her. And even though you sometimes texted eachother, she was happily married and you were only a random girl who used to be in her life. Nothing more, maybe less.

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