Oh I wish you were mine

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Ilsa Faust




She shouted out, running in his direction. You panted, trying to be as fast as she was.

Ilsa and Ethan had a beautiful relationship, they were almost too perfect for each other. Since they met, to that very day, their bond greew stronger and stronger, intensifying with each mission they went through together. You could only be there, to witness all their affection towards one another, wishing you were him.

You fell for her as soon as you saw her, and you swore to yourself to spend your life beside her, even though she wanted to spend hers with someone else. Ethan had this je ne sais quoi that made everyone fall at his feet. It kind of made you throw up how every female you encountered was in love with him. He kissed women after women, and they were all so beautiful, while he was... meh. How could he do that?

But that didn't really matter, because you craved one woman's attention and she would never give it to you.

"Ethan! Bloody Hell, are you alright?"

Ilsa got on her knees, to see if Ethan was still alive, and he was. Great. You kind of wanted him to die. You were so evil for wishing that. You closed your eyes and exhaled.

"I'm ok."

He said with his annoying voice. You really couldn't stand him. How could Ilsa be in love with him? Why not you? What did he have that you didn't? You were a trained spy just like he was, but, of course, you lacked the experience and the charm he supposedly had. You stared at him. No, he wasn't charming at all.

Ilsa smiled, helping him on his feet. She was so gentle and cautious with him, almost as if she was scared he could dissipate like thin air in her arms. You bit down on your lip. Why not you?

You were almost about to scream it aloud when Ethan looked at you in confusion. You raised an eyebrow.


"I thought you..."

You scoffed.

"You thought I would have died by now, right?"

"Well... yes."

You gave him an evil stare. Incredible. He really didn't know you at all. He said that everytime. He always thought you would die on one of the missions. Could he not see your bravery and skills? Could Ilsa not see them?

"That doesn't matter."

You shifted your glance to Ilsa. Of course it didn't matter, all that mattered was that her love was alright. The rage was burning inside of you, making you clench your fists.

"We should get going."

Ethan nodded, and, with Ilsa's help, regained his stability. Seeing Ilsa's hands on his back, her delicate touch on his skin... that was enough to make you explode.


You breathed out. Ilsa stopped and glanced at you. Ethan was already on his merry way.

"I'm sorry, what?"


You repeated, louder this time. She looked at you confused, not understanding.

"Why do you... prefer... him at me?"

Ilsa scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"I don't."

You chuckled, sadly.

"We don't have time for this, Y/N."

"But if I was him you would make time."

Ilsa got closer, and your breath came to a halt.

"Y/N, we don't have time."

You furrowed your eyebrows, and walked away.



You shouted out, running like crazy. Your lungs burned and your legs ached but you couldn't stop.


Where was she? Where...

Your breath itched in your throat. There she was, laying on the stairs.

"No, no, no..."

You made your way to her, getting on your knees beside her. She looked so peaceful... Tears started to accumulate in your eyes.


You put your hands on her chest, searching for her heart beat, finding nothing.

"No, Ilsa... please..."

Her head was tilted to one side, her eyes still opened. Those beautiful blue eyes, those eyes in which you lost yourself so many times.


You tried putting pressure on her chest.

"Don't... you can't..."

You were sobbing, crying out her name. You didn't even let her know how much you loved her. You hoped she knew, you hoped she knew and that she never was interested in you rather than her not knowing and missing such an opportunity to be with her.

"I love you..."

You breathed out, leaving a kiss on her cheek, taking a last glance at her eyes before closing them.

"What happened?"

Ethan was standing behind you, staring at Ilsa's dead body. You closed your eyes, enraged. You got up and walked away, drying your tears. Ilsa was gone and your heart too.

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