Fear is the mind killer

277 11 2

Lady Jessica




Fear is the mind killer.

The Bene Gesserit taught you to be cold, distant, to not let emotions control your mind, but it was hard to obey to these rules when your professor was Lady Jessica.

She didn't have to do much that your heart would beat faster and when her distant, blue eyes caught yours, it was hard to not look away.

You didn't have friends, a Bene Gesserit doesn't have time nor the need to have one, the only person you could trust was yourself. But you trusted in Lady Jessica, you put your faith and life in her hands. She could crush you in mere seconds, the power she held over you- the power you let her have, was dangerous, and you knew it, but you couldn't stop the feeling blooming in your heart.

You tried your best to not let your true emotions show. What would they think of a Bene Gesserit whose heart and mind belonged to another woman? You had to bite your tongue and keep your thoughts hidden.


You bowed your head, your heart racing. Her voice was low, smooth, her true intention hidden in the words she spoke.

"Come with me."

"Yes, Lady Jessica."

You followed behind, your eyes fixed on the woman's head. Her hair was hidden by a black veil, like yours. You would have loved to feel the texture of it, to run your hand in it. You looked down, following the motion of your feet.

If anybody would have found out that you, a Bene Gesserit, were so naïve and emotional, you would have died.

You followed the older woman to her chambers. You entered, taking in your surroundings. The room, like any other, was empty, apart from a bed and a closet. You looked anxiously around you, trying to calm your nerves.

Fear is the mind killer.

"Your feelings are palpable, Y/N."

You gulped. You looked down, closing your eyes, trying to gain control over your emotions.

"I'm sorry."

Lady Jessica grabbed your chin and raised your head, her fingers gripping your flesh tightly. You opened your eyes, looking directly at hers.

"A Bene Gesserit is never sorry. Learn to control your mind and heart better."

She tightened the grip, her nails leaving small marks on your chin. You closed your eyes again, the feeling of her touch sending chills down your spine. It took everything in you to stop a moan come out of your mouth.


You opened your eyes and your mouth, in disbelief. You tried to understand her intentions, but her face was blank, every muscle relaxed into a poker face.


You immediately did as you were told, your legs working on their own accord. She used the Voice, you felt her voice reverberate in your head, like a thousand angels were speaking all at once, playing with you like a puppet, pulling the strings of your body like they owned it.

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