Almost went past

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Rebecca Ferguson



"Do I look good?"

Your friend rolled her eyes and nodded.

You were about to meet her, the most gorgeous goddess of all goddesses: Rebecca Ferguson. It was luck, honestly. You just happened to live in Rome, and she just happened to do the "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning" world tour, stopping by Rome by chance. The odds were in your favour, which was really strange since you were one of the most unlucky people ever born in all history.

"You look fine."

Rebecca was your idol. You didn't even know how it all began, your addiction, but that's the thing about addictions, you hardly can say how they began.

You looked at your reflection in your phone. Your hair was a mess, your short H/C hair, which you curled that morning, was already straight again. You coloured the ends of it purple just because. In reality, you had a meltdown the day before because of the anxiety and the excitement of seeing Rebecca.

The sun was burning your skin, and choosing to wear black had probably been a bad idea but it was too late now. You had a black sparkling blouse and black jeans with holes at the height of your knees. You didn't put on any make-up because of the heat; you knew that, if you did put make-up on, it would smear in a matter of seconds so you decided that it was best to not put any.

Your friend had shorts and a white shirt on. She had her arms crossed and looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You were still looking at your phone but you could feel her eyes on you.


She grinned.

"Rebecca won't even notice you, you know that, right?"

You sighed, knowing she was right. Rebecca will probably pass by you and not even look at you once. Your existence was invisible to her, while hers was the entire world to you. You stopped looking at your phone, putting it in your jeans pocket. You did bring a piece of paper and a black marker but you were probably going to be ignored, just like your friend said. But you could always see her, and that was enough.

Everything sparkled in the sunlight. The bright white stairs before you, it was almost impossible glancing at them because of the heat. There was a long red carpet and various "Mission Impossible" cardboards placed here and there.

You were ecstatic. You moved your weight from a leg to the other, you just couldn't stay still. Around you, hundreds of people were waiting for the actors to pop out of their hidings, just like you. Though, you were waiting for just one of them. The thought of her made you smile. You couldn't stop grinning, you felt so happy and you didn't even see her yet.

And then, everyone around you started screaming and moving around. It was packed where you were, so you took your friend's hand and squeezed it in yours. You almost couldn't breath because of the people and the heat combined, but you endured it because you were about to see her, Rebecca freaking Ferguson.

Your friend squeezed your hand in return, coming closer.

"Where is she? Do you see her?"

She screamed so she could be heard. You looked around, to see if you could spot her. And there she was, coming out of a black car. She was gorgeous, you almost forgot how to breath. She had a long, black dress and her make-up was light, you could barely see three dots on the sides of her eyes. She smiled and waved in your direction, and you couldn't help but smile too. She had a contaigious grin, that was for sure.

She then got on the stairs and you got to have a better look at her. Her face was freckled, and it looked like constellations on her pale skin. You wanted to kiss every freckle on her body, to feel her skin- that you knew for a fact was soft and smooth, on your lips.

Someone shouted if she was hot, and she nodded. Then she raised her dress to show the leggings she hid under it. You laughed. You loved her, how could she be so cute? She did a weird dance, moving her shoulders. You immagined how cool it would be to have a dance battle with her, or just to dance with her, on a sunday evening, listening to your favourite music, drinking wine. Her husband is really lucky to have her.

The day went on, with interviewers asking the actors questions, Tom Cruise making most of the people there faint and scream, and, during all the time, you were observing Rebecca. The way she giggled, the way she moved, the way she just existed.

And then she came to you all, to sign the posters and take pictures with you. You were so overjoyed, your heartbeat quickened and you almost felt like throwing up.

"Should I write it on Tom's face?"

She bit her lip. Her voice was divine, with that accent that you found incredibly sexy. You tried to get closer to the rail, to be able to take a picture with her. She came closer to you, without noticing your presence and almost went past you but your friend succeeded in getting her attention.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there."

You laughed, but you almost felt pain in your chest. She didn't see you. You were nothing. You meant nothing, at least not to her.

You made her sign your piece of paper. Her handwriting was beautiful, even if she wrote her name hurriedly. You asked for a picture and she accepted, still smiling. You thought if it hurt, smiling so much. Was she happy? Was she faking it?

She took your phone and made sure you bothe were in focus, then took the picture. You smiled, a smile so wide your cheeks hurt. She handed back your phone, you thanked her and she went on, signing more posters and taking more photos.

"Are you happy?"

You friend screamed so you could hear her above all the noise. You stared at the photo, Rebecca was perfect in it. You giggled. Yes, you were. You were euphoric.

"Yes, yes I am."

You friend smiled, squeezing your arm.

"She noticed me."

Your friend laughed.

"Well, she said she didn't see you but yes, she did."

You smiled like a kid. Even if you meant nothing to Rebecca, she meant the world to you, and that was what mattered to you. You met her, even if for a brief moment, and you would cherish that memory forever.

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