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Mephone sat in the coner of his room and pondered.
He continuously tapped his chin, thinking about what he should write.

He felt like he hit a wall. He was just- he just woke up, not too long ago...
He felt strange. Like, his eyes were closing by themselves, and he didn't want to get up or go anywhere.
He was tired.
Sighing, he pushed himself further back into the corner, pressing himself against the wall.

Without realising, he shut his eyes and found himself imagining things.
The first thing he imagined was the stars. They were really, really interesting to him. He didn't understand why, though. All he knew was that he just really liked the stars. They were nice to look at.
His eyes opened, but not fully. He had only a sliver of vision.
He weakly stared up at the ceiling.
He let his eyes shut again, and he couldn't open them back up.

He didn't realise he'd dozed off.

- - - - -

The first thing Mephone registered as he awoke was how his body ached. He lifted his head slowly, and let his eyes adjust to his surroundings. Light shone through the crack in curtains that covered the window.
He blinked, and attempted to push himself up.
He figured he felt sore due to... falling asleep. In a not so comfy position.
Slowly, he raised himself, and stood, hands glued to the wall for support.

Carefully he began to walk toward what resembled a bed. He was still half asleep, so it was difficult to navigate.
He plopped down on the bed, and it was harder than he expected. But, he didn't mind. Better than the floor.
He sighed, and gave himself a minute before standing back up, fully awake.
He glanced around the room, and his eyes landed on the door.

Begrudgingly, he made his way to it. He did remember what he had to do.
His... tasks. The tasks.
Then he remembered; the story.

He pushed the door, and it opened silently.

From the sunlight that leaked in through the windows along the hall, it was... maybe daytime? Morning? The sun was up, either way.
He hoped Cobs wouldn't be mad at him.

Walking through the halls, he felt something was different- about his room when he woke up.
Then, he remembered. He didn't close those curtains. Did Cobs..?
Did that mean he wasn't mad?
Mephone didn't want to think too hard on the subject.
He decided listening to Cobs would be in his best interest- focus on tasks. His story. He had to write the story.

Then he remembered he didn't know where to go or what to write with.

He continued to wander mindlessly, until he came across big wood doors, that had a book picture carved into it.
He turned his head, and then saw a sign that said...
That said...
What did it say?
He walked closer, and squinted.
What was that?

Mephone pushed the doors, and entered a rather large room with bookshelves along all the walls.
There was red carpet running down the middle, turning into a big circle in the middle of the room.

It looked so cool.

Mephone figured that if he had to write- he would have to do it here.

He remembered if he had to write, he had to actually write with something.
He walked laps around the large room, running his finger over all the bookshelves. It was bumpy- and it felt funny. He liked it.

Then, he heard a noise from behind him.
Quickly, his head whipped around- and he saw Cobs walk in, he held some... books- and what looked like something flat with a screen.

Mephone completely paused. Was he even allowed in here?

But, Cobs' face lit up once they made eye contact.
Echoing across the room, Cobs called to him.
"Four! There you are... I've been looking all over for you. C'mhere." He beckoned Mephone over using hand gestures.
Mephone complied.

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