Curiosity Killed the Cat

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June 16th, 2010.

With a happy smile, Mephone watched the last red square flicker to green, as soon as he placed the item of clothing back down neatly in the basket.
That was finally the last one. The last of the 20 tasks. Which, wow, was a lot! It took him a little bit to complete. Mostly just due to one he got stuck on, for a while. It'd said to 'organise the boxes', but Mephone didn't know how to organise them. Did Cobs want it by colour, by size, by contents?
He was unsure. So he decided on size. Since it looked better.
But— the box had turned green on (What he now knew as-) the checker watch. Which Mephone thought was silly, and a mouthful— so Mephone just settled on calling it his watch.
'Cause he had to watch it a lot. For lots and lots of reasons.

Standing up straight again, the robot glanced around the clustered room,- that was honestly more like a closet. The unstable shelves and dust around here definitely couldn't be good.
Which, now that that has crossed Mephones mind...
Why did he even do anything in here? The dust was definitely evidence that nobody has been in here... for a while.
Was he getting told to do things just for kicks? That was confusing. What was even the point?

Pausing, the bot narrowed his eyes.
What was the point?

Of course there was a point... he had to make Cobs happy.

But, was there a point beyond that?

Swallowing, his arms fell to his sides as he remained in place, zoning out in thoughts he'd never really had before. These thoughts weren't rational. They weren't... right. Were they?
Cobs had said so, anyway.
Cobs had even scheduled these 'End of the day' meetings- in his office— where Mephone would tell him everything that happened that day. These little meetings started like.. two days ago.
The next one would be in twenty minutes. Eight o' clock. On the dot.

Cobs gave him advice. And told him things. Like, the long list of what he could and couldn't do, what he should and shouldn't think... Where he could and couldn't go..

But—, Cobs had made something very, very clear. He wasn't to ever break a rule or think about defying him. Cobs had confirmed himself as his creator. He said MePhones weren't supposed to say no to their creators. Or even think about it.
Mephone could remember the look in the CEO's eyes when he said this, how his head was tilted and how taller he seemed to get, even though he was sitting.

Something about the tone in his voice, how sharp and direct it had been. It was different than every other reaction. So much colder. A malice Mephone couldn't yet comprehend.
The blue haired android could only nod through his lecture, staying so silent he'd almost forgotten what his own voice sounded like.

Though, he was only told to go back to his room and finish any tasks.
His tasks were done now, though. So what next?
What was even going on?

The most Mephone knew was that this was a 'family.'
What was that?
It must be good. Cobs had said it whilst smiling, so it had to be.
He knew this was a place called 'Meeple Headquarters', 'HQ' for short.
Cobs had gone on rants of all sorts, 'Blah blah blah money, economy, company, blah blah...'

Mephone didn't actually understand a word. He smiled and nodded anyway, though. That seemed to make Cobs happy.

Mephone knew there were other people here. They seemed really busy, though. And that symbol was everywhere. The 'Meeple logo.'

It was... So confusing. But surely, he'd understand everything soon right?
... What if he didn't though?
What was everyone working on in this place? Why wasn't he allowed in some of the rooms?
Why were they surrounded by big fluffy clouds?

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