Doing what I'm Told

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The sound of his own breathing registered, and it didn't take him long to realise he was awake.
Stretching out his leg, he let out a long yawn, finally opening his eyes.
Upon opening them, he blinked a few times- allowing himself to adjust. His head still hurt. Less than before, though it still ached and throbbed.
The pain was just.. more dull, now. He could tolerate it.
But he was okay last night when he slept. So going asleep was okay.
But, he still had unanswered questions. What had happened last night? Why did his head hurt so much?
Mr. Cobs had said it was some sort of.. exam, he'd done? Something about 'internals,'?
Mephone didn't understand what that meant. It couldn't be that bad though, considering Cobs had helped him so far. He said he was gonna help Mephone do his best.
.... Mephone didn't know exactly what, 'his best', really meant right now, but it had to be good.
Cobs was good, afterall. There was no denying that. He made him, and gave him this big room all to himself.

Shaking off the soreness he felt nagging at his head, he rubbed his eyes lightly, shuffling so he sat up straight.
Then Mephone noticed the room was still a little dark. The only light Mephone could pick up on was the shine that was covered by curtains hanging over the window.
Glancing around again, Mephone jumped in surprise when he noticed the ceiling.

Small, glowing stars. Littered above him, lighting up. Their glow was fascinating, Mephone found himself gazing like it was something magical.
It was magical. The stars were so cool, they were so beautiful.
A wide grin spread across Mephone's face, and a giggle bubbled up in his throat.

He threw himself back so he lay down, his head on the cushion. Lightly kicking his legs, he raised an arm and pretended to trace the stars above him. The longer he did so, the happier he felt. It was like a big fuzzy ball in his chest, so warm and comfortable.
Mephone squealed, flipping around to lay on his stomach, beginning to hug his pillow tight. His legs kicked, and he couldn't stop smiling.
He loved the stars so so much.
Were there other stars? How many? Where?

Are there any different colours? Are there?
Mephone wanted to know everything about them. He felt like sitting here, staring at them all day. Soon he felt like there was nothing else around him- it was just him and these pretty stars. That was all that mattered to him at the moment.

... Unaware of how long it was, he was reminded of where he was when a loud sound came from in front of him, causing him to flinch.

He sat up quickly, fully alert. Though he calmed down when he realised it was just Mr. Cobs coming into his room. Mephone fixated his gaze on the man dressed in the green sweater, staring down at him with a contented smile.
"Four. You're awake! That's great.. now.. would you come with me?" He requested, reaching a hand out- the other still folded behind his back like usual.
Mephone blinked up at him, cocking his head to the side.
"Did you put the stars here?" He questioned, a weak smile forming.
Cobs chuckled, waving his hand.
"Who else would've? Yes, Four, I did. But-! Since I gave you what you wanted, now you'll have to give me something I want, alright?" He stated in a somewhat expectant tone.
Mephone gave a look of confusion back, before slowly nodding.
"Oh.. okay."

Cobs then reached out his hand again, gesturing for Mephone to take it.
Hopping off of the bed, springing onto his feet, Mephone did so, holding it tight.
"I'll be taking you back to that first room-," Cobs began, as he stepped outside of Mephone's room.
"-I just need to fix something up. Feel that patch on your head?"

Mephone brought a hand to his head as he walked through the hall, lightly brushing his finger off of it. Though, the sudden sting made him wince.
Cobs forced his hand away from it, speaking in a panicked tone.
"Nono- don't touch it now. Glad you know it's there, though.." He muttered, almost stuttering.

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