Unauthorised Usage of my Own Ability

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Closing the door, Mephone entered his room.
He hummed to himself, in wonder. What should he do now?
Earlier, Mr. Cobs showed him that he could make things himself. He was able to create things. All by himself.
He grinned, thinking of the endless amount of possibilities. There was so much,- ideas came to him at a powerful speed, flooding in like colourful water.

He began to click his fingers, and he scanned his room for a moment.

He noticed the large, dark desk to his right, and a screen that was attached to the wall above it.
Mephone slowly stepped so he stood infront of it.


It read, in big, bold writing.

Mephone stared at it, blinking slowly as he read.
The list had about twenty total tasks,- Mephone counted.
He squinted his eyes, stepping closer to the desk so that he leaned on it as he stared at the dull-lit screen.

He read through the ones he could, but..
None of them appealed to him. They all sounded kinda.. boring?
Reading them in general was difficult too. Some letters looked wonky. Some of them looked like they were moving, and the spelling made.. no sense to him.
He hummed, taking his hands away from the desk, and glanced around the room again.

He looked toward the floor, at the blue themed circular carpet. He looked closer.
The fabric looked interesting.
He slowly walked over, and crouched down, getting on his knees.
He put his hands down flat, letting them sink into the soft texture.
He began moving his hands around, still keeping them buried in the fluff.
He felt himself smiling, and then he let himseld drop, falling straight into a laying position on the soft mat.

He remained like that for.. a while. It was.. very comfortable. The feeling of it made him feel very, very warm and fuzzy inside.
He sat up straight, stretching his arms up.

Then, he pushed himself up to his feet, and decided to check the time.
He could do that couldn't he?
Knew how to do that.

He let his eyes wander, until they ended up back on his wrist. The white, round device on it.
He lifted his arm, and saw the.. bracelet had a small screen. It also had a lot of smaller buttons. About.. five of them. Two of them were bigger than the other three.
Mephone smiled again. He liked counting. Maybe he should count the books on the shelves soon.

He stared at the watch, and remembered what Mr. Cobs said to him earlier.

'Think really hard about it.'

He needed the time.. so..

He closed his eyes, clenching his fists and thought really hard.

He felt a sudden throb in his head, and opened his eyes to see a.. an... alarm...clock...?
It was all white. And glowing. And it was floating.
He tilted his head, and realised his vision was more blurred than before. Everything looked way brighter too. He blinked a few times, and the blur became more tolerable.
He stared at the floating.. object..? Infront of him, and saw that the small clocks numbers were all.. jumbled. Mixed together.

Just as he reached out a hand to touch it, he heard the door slam open behind him, and a loud voice bellow-


Mephone stopped dead in his tracks, and a hand wrapped tight around his arm, pulling him away from the glowing, floating clock.
The shock made his head throb again, and his vision was back to normal.
And the floating clock was gone.

He heard a muffled voice, and snapped out of his thoughts- realising it was just Mr. Cobs. He seemed.. panicked? Mephone didn't know why.

"Four. You- you cannot be.. you.. agh.. did you not listen when I told you-? If you want to generate something, you have to press-"
Cobs grabbed his arm again, but it wasn't as gentle as last time when he was showing him in the library.
"-This button. Please, if you aren't sure of something.. just come to me."
Cobs kneeled down, taking Mephone's hands in his.

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