Chapter 4

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AS SOON AS we stepped down, We followed a crowd of people. I could tell the new cadets from the Hunters right away; the ones of us who had just started looked worn out yet excited that we made it out alive. I'm so thankful for Jacklyn knowing how to ride a griffin because if I was with anyone else, I just know I would have fallen off; I look at my new friends, grateful for them helping me.

We followed a croud of other cadets to the courtyard a stage was placed in the middle of the courtyard, an imposing professor stepped forward. His authority was palpable, emanating from him like heat from a fire. "This is an incredibly significant moment," he stated firmly, his conviction evident in his tone. "You must make the most out of the next eight months." He paused to reiterate. "This is a crucial moment," he declared with force. "You have a limited window of eight months to hone your magical abilities before the imminent arrival of the dragons from Dgakon."

He paused, surveying the sea of faces before him, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "It's important you understand the severity of what lies ahead. Over the next month, more than half of you will die in the games or combat training. Killing is allowed unless you are in your room asleep. Your main goal is to PROTECT your team; you want to try your best to work together because, at the end of the ten months, you will be assigned jobs with your Team leaders, so please take teamwork and trust importantly."

The silence that followed was overwhelming. My heart was pounding in my chest as I swallowed hard. We have only eight months to prepare for the dragons and must first survive the grueling training. The journey ahead is full of danger and uncertainty, but I have made it this far, and there is no turning back.


I stood in the Hunter Academy's vast courtyard, surrounded by hundreds of other cadets. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as we waited for Professor Clyde to call us.

"Marcella Peacemaker!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the commotion quickly. Well, there goes me wanting to be discreet about who I am, thrown right out the window.

With each step I took, my determination grew more substantial. The whispers that spread through the crowd were nothing compared to my pride and confidence. All eyes were fixed on me, but I stood tall, knowing that I had rightfully earned my spot among them. As he handed me my pin, designating my membership in the 2nd squad, I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me. This was where I belonged.

"Here," I responded, sounding self-assured and steady.

"Ah, Miss Peacemaker," Professor Clyde observed, scrutinizing me intently. "We have received numerous reports about you."

"Thank you? Professor," I answered, uncertain how to react. His stare made me uncomfortable, and I yearned to seek refuge in the secure confines of the Mountain.

"Very well," he stated sternly, redirecting his focus to the roll call roster. As I began to move away, I couldn't help but observe the lingering stares emanating from my peers. It was apparent that my presence was not entirely welcome among them, as if trying to find a reason to dislike me. Despite the tense atmosphere, I maintained a composed demeanor and quickly approached where Abigale and Jacklyn stood. This will be a long ten months, if I even make it, if they all keep staring at me like this. Everyone looks like they want to kill me now, and for what? Because I'm a princess.

As I sat lost in thought, the sudden sound of a name being called out jolted me back to reality. It was the instructor calling out attendance. "Jacklyn Sparrow!" he bellowed, his voice echoing across the courtyard. Jacklyn, a petite girl with an air of confidence and a hint of shyness, responded instantly, her voice carrying clearly in the crisp morning air. She walked briskly towards the front of the courtyard, her steps measured and confident. As she passed me, she flashed a reassuring smile, letting me know I wasn't alone.

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