Chapter 11

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THE PAST FEW weeks have been a whirlwind of intense training and self- defense classes. I pushed myself harder and harder with every passing day, determined to succeed. And it paid off - I emerged victorious from almost every match except for a few. One of the matches was against a girl named Lily, a stunning blonde with toned muscles and a warm smile. Despite being my opponent, she was among the nicest people I've ever met.

After the match, we talked, and I discovered that Lily was from Brightchester, a beautiful little town called New Galves. She spoke about her hometown with passion and pride, making me want to visit it someday. Perhaps I'll make the trip once this year is over to see what all the fuss is about.

Initially, the relationship between my fellow athlete and I was fraught with hostility. Every time we competed against each other, we would both be filled with the intense desire to win. However, our competitive nature was causing us to overlook the opportunity to learn from each other. That's when Reece intervened and helped us to see things differently.

He pointed out that we could benefit a lot from each other if we put our differences aside and worked together. I had a natural advantage in speed, while my counterpart was more robust and better at lifting weights. Recognizing this, we decided to help each other out. She would assist me in building my strength while I would teach her the art of quick dodging and decision-making during matches.

As we continued working together, we developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other's talents and skills. We realized we were more alike than we initially thought and could benefit from working together. Our collaboration and mutual support eventually led to the development of a strong bond of friendship.

I introduced her to my friends Scarlet, Jacklyn, and Abigale to further expand her horizons. Reece also joined us often, as he had a crush on Lily. We often spent time together, sharing our experiences and learning from

one another. Overall, it was a fantastic experience that taught us the value of teamwork and collaboration.

Today, I am training with Lily; she's been teaching me how to use my

Bow and arrow, and I've been helping her with her target practice for throwing daggers. We are in one of the many training rooms that Lily and I have been coming to for the past few weeks. "Okay, now lift your elbow up just slightly, Marcy," Lily commanded me to go, and I followed her instructions, looking at my target practice dummy.

I lift my elbow just as Lily instructed, taking a deep breath and focusing on my target. I feel the tension in my arms as I pull back on the string of my Bow, aiming for the bullseye. I let out a slow exhale and release the arrow, watching as it soars through the air and hits the target a little bit off from the center, but my shot is getting much better than before. I still very much needed this practice, and I am glad that she's teaching me.

"Okay, let me show you something," Lily says as she walks over to me, holding her hand for my Bow. I hesitantly hand it over to her, watching as she examines it.

"This is a great bow, but you're not utilizing its full potential. Your grip is off, and your stance could be improved." She starts adjusting my grip on the Bow and helps me stand better. "Now try again. Focus on your breathing and aim for the center of the target." She gives the bow back, and I follow her instructions again, adjusting the bow back in my hands.

I follow her instructions, taking a deep breath and repeatedly pulling back on the string. I breathe; you got this, Marcella. I say to myself. This time, I feel more confident and centered. I release the arrow, watching as it hits the target dead center.

"Great job!" Lily exclaims, clapping me on

"Good shot, Marcy," Lily says with a smile, "you're getting better every day." She compliments me, and it's rare coming from her because she is always so hard on me. She lifts her arrow and lets off three hands quickly, hitting the bullseye easily. I can't help but feel a twinge of envy at her effortless grace with the Bow and arrow, but I push it aside. I am glad that Lily is my friend and teacher. She has taught me so much about self-defense and how to use different weapons, but most importantly, she has taught me about friendship and trust.

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