Chapter 6

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AS THE PROFESSOR continued his lecture, I couldn't help but notice that the group of boys from the dining hall had entered the classroom and were now sitting at the back of the room, their eyes fixed intently on us. I tried to ignore them, focusing instead on the lecture, but I couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that had settled in my stomach.

I tried to focus back on the professor, but I could still feel their gazes. "Why do they keep on looking at us." I groan, and Abigale turns to look at them, not caring if they know I am talking about them.

"I don't know, they aren't even that cute." She says, laughs, and turns back to me. Jacklyn tries to shush her.

"Oh please, take a look at them," Abigale says to Jacklyn, and Jacklyn also turns to look back. She turns around as the guys talk among themselves, still looking in our direction. "Yeah, you're right." She smiles and turns her attention back to the professor as he talks more about the magic systems, the different types of magic, and the most common powers we may develop.

Class finally ended with a bell. I couldn't believe that class was three hours! It felt like thirty minutes. I know Abigale didn't feel the same way I did because she hated history class; she was more of a math girl, very calculated, and Jacklyn just went with the flow. We gathered our things to leave.

As we walked out, one of the boys from earlier approached us.

"Hey," he said with a smirk. "I couldn't help but notice you three girls. You're new here, aren't you?" I felt my heart rate quicken as I glanced at Abigale and Jacklyn, who were both

looking at him with wary eyes.

"Can't you see our pins?" Abigale says with an eye roll. And he glares at her, but she does have a point. Is he an idiot?

"Yes, we are," I replied carefully. "Well then," he said, stepping closer to us. "Let me show you around campus. I know all the best places." He

winked at us suggestively." I'm Hayden Burthlow; my friends are Mason Linden and Landon Mirtch." Oh no, Tara's brother, I heard how cruel he can be. I thought to myself.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from behind us. "Is there a problem here?" I turned around, and it was Eylaric.

He looked me in the eyes and then back to the guys. Well, there goes that electricity I feel in my body, or is it light? I thought to myself. Why does Eylaric's Presence make me feel this way?

"Hayden, why don't you leave the new girls and guys alone? They weren't bothering you," he said, staring at Hayden, his voice firm yet calm.

There was an edge of warning in it that made me shiver despite the day's warmth. The boys murmured something in response before quickly exiting, leaving us alone with Eylaric.

He watched them go before turning back to us, his expression softer now but still severe. "Are you all right?" he asked, looking at each of us with concern. And as soon as I noticed it, he put on a face of not caring, his eyes darkening. We nodded in unison, not trusting ourselves to speak without stammering over our words like fools in front of him. He nodded at us this time and then walked away swiftly.

"What a man," Abigale said, fanning herself off. "His friend Scarlet is prettier," Jacklyn said as her cheeks heated. "Oh, shit, someone has a crush!" Jacklyn threw her arms up in celebration, and I laughed at her joy. "She's charming and nice. Maybe I do". Abigale laughed and said, "Well, why don't we go to the cafeteria and find out? She's probably there for lunch." We made our way to the cafeteria, where, sure enough, we spotted Scarlet sitting in a corner eating some food.

"Mind if we sit here?" Abigale asked. Scarlet paused in the act of biting into a succulent piece of chicken, her green eyes flickering up to meet Abigale's gaze. With nonchalant ease, she murmured, "Go ahead." Despite being seated, it was easy to tell Scarlet was tall; her long legs were stretched in a graceful line before her. Though her lightly pale complexion was stunning, she was definitely a Fae from Truentdale. Her skin contrasted perfectly with her pretty green eyes. Her long black hair tumbled down her back in a cascade of sleek waves, adding to the impression of effortless grace and poise. Scarlet's toned but slender figure was visible beneath her fighting leathers as she savored another bite of chicken. We all introduced ourselves.

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