Chapter 13

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LATER THAT DAY, I wandered around the courtyard, the Fae Settlement book in my hand, basking in my school's beauty. The sun's warm rays caressed my skin, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. Finding solace by the familiar waterfall, I sat on the soft grass, taking in the tranquil atmosphere.

The courtyard of my school was a sight to behold. I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty surrounding me. The bright sunlight filtered through the lush green canopy of trees, casting a warm golden glow across the courtyard. The sun's rays delicately brushed against my skin, filling me with a comforting warmth.

The leaves of the nearby trees danced in the gentle breeze, their vibrant shades of green swaying in rhythmic harmony. I watched them flutter and rustle, creating a soft symphony of movement and sound. The branches reached out towards the sky, forming intricate patterns against the canvas of blue above, adding to the picturesque scene.

I was drawn to the enchanting waterfall nearby, its crystal-clear waters cascading down gracefully and elegantly. The sparkling droplets caught the sunlight as they fell, creating a shimmering spectacle. The sound of the water hitting the rocks below filled the air, blending with the tranquil ambiance of the courtyard.

I found a spot on the soft grass and sat down, allowing myself to truly take in the beauty of my surroundings. The courtyard was a sanctuary of serenity and tranquility. It was a visual symphony where nature's elements came together in perfect harmony, reminding me of the wonders that exist in our world. I came here every evening after Eylaric, and I's the first night at the waterfall, where he told me not to fall for him. A majestic tree stood tall and proud in the courtyard's center, its branches reaching the heavens. The leaves shimmered in shades of green, creating a canopy that filtered the sunlight and cast enchanting patterns on the ground below.

Beyond the courtyard, I was drawn to the breathtaking waterfall before me. The waters tumbled and cascaded down in a mesmerizing display, sparkling like diamonds under the sun's warm rays. It was a sight that evoked a sense of awe and wonder, reminding me of the beauty and power of nature.

As I opened my bag, the aroma of my homemade dinner filled the air. The delicious scent of warm broccoli cheddar soup and crusty bread brought a comforting feeling to my heart. I had been craving some alone time, away from the bustling hallways and the pressures of the upcoming trial games. The warm hues of the homemade dinner greeted my eyes as the aromatic steam rose from the bowl of soup. The rich, inviting colors of the vegetables floated amidst the silky broth while the crusty bread sat nearby, adorned with a golden-brown crust. Savoring the first spoonful of soup, I sighed in contentment. This was the perfect moment to reflect on the events of the day. The doubts and concerns that Telium had expressed still lingered in my mind, but I refused to let them consume me.

As I reach for my book, I feel the excitement building inside me as I turn to the second chapter. This chapter delves into the intricate details of each of the four Kingdoms,

Each of these is home to three Fae settlements. Evalon, the first of these Kingdoms, boasts three Fae settlements: Clearport, Stonebay, and Fallfront. Montenglave is the second Kingdom, with its settlements in Moras, Baymera, and Direland. The third Kingdom, Truentdale, is home to Whitspell, Freyspell, and Dimbell, while Brightchester, the fourth Kingdom, has Whitborn, Stagcliff, and Lightfell. Each of these settlements is ruled by its lords and kings, who are accountable for maintaining peace and order within their communities.

The Fae settlements were protected by barriers that kept out unwanted humans, but it proved ineffective against Felelfs. These creatures were made from Fae and possessed most of their qualities, except for their drive to kill. Fae and Felelfs were similar in many ways, with wings and different powers, but they lost their abilities in human form. One interesting fact about Fae is that they reach maturity at twenty-four and become immortal, making killing them in their Faeform almost impossible. Despite this, some Fae remained human, which was a rarity. Those who completed the Hunter trials and gained powers in their human form became even more powerful beings.

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