Chapter 15

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AS THE MORNING turned into late afternoon, I was lost in a haze of thoughts and emotions. The trial games were about to begin, and we all gathered in the courtyard, waiting for our section leaders to give us instructions. However, I couldn't shake off the overwhelming hurt and betrayal that consumed my mind.

My thoughts drifted back to Eylaric and everything that had transpired between us. I couldn't believe he had kept such a significant secret from me, knowing how much it would hurt me. Despite this, I couldn't help but feel less angry with him than with Telium.

Telium had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, and the thought of him betraying my trust in such a way made me feel sick to my stomach. As for Eylaric, I had just met him, and although I could understand why he kept the secret, it still hurt me deeply.

Despite my inner turmoil, I tried my best to focus on the task at hand, but my mind kept wandering, and I couldn't help but wonder how everything would play out.

Professor Clyde stood before us, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Cadets," he announced with a grand gesture, "I have a surprise for you." The four sections of students murmured amongst themselves, curious and eager to know what the professor had in store for them. I stayed silent, nervous to even speak.

"Until you all receive your Dragons," he continued, "I will be in charge of the games you Cadets face." The anticipation in the air was palpable as we waited for him to reveal his surprise.

And then he said: "The Dragons are here to watch you." The wind swirled around us, lifting our hair and clothes on cue. We looked up to the sky and gasped in awe. At least 30 dragons were soaring above us, their scales glistening in the sunlight.

Everyone's eyes went to Eylaric's Dragon, one of the world's rarest and most beautiful dragons. Arax had shimmering navy blue scales that glinted

in the sunlight, and his eyes were like two precious gems that glowed with an otherworldly radiance. His mighty wings were the color of storm clouds, and his long, sinewy body was perfectly proportioned, making him a sight to behold. I just know Eylaric knew he was lucky to have such a fantastic creature in his life and cherished every moment he spent with Arax.

The Dragons' descended from the sky in a graceful arc, their wings creating a whooshing sound as they landed on the towering stone walls surrounding us. Their powerful legs flexed to absorb the impact, and they perched like watchful guardians, their emerald eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of danger. The iridescent scales that covered their bodies shimmered in the sunlight, reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors. We were filled with exhilaration and wonder at the sight before us, unable to tear our eyes away from the magnificent creatures that stood before us, their serpentine bodies coiled in readiness for any eventuality.

The Professor's voice boomed over the sound of the dragons' mighty wings as they circled above. "I would be careful not to stand too close," he warned, his eyes fixed on the cadets below. Suddenly, one of the green dragons swooped down, opened its massive jaws, and unleashed a stream of fire that engulfed one of the cadets. The scene was chaotic as the other cadets scrambled to get out of the way. But then, to their horror, a purple Dragon descended and let out a fiery blast that charred another cadet to ashes. The smell of burnt skin hung heavy in the air, and the group was stunned by the sudden and deadly attack.

"Anywho." He stated, raising his eyebrows and looking at us again. Passing off death is a normality at this school. He spoke again, "Have any of you heard of the game Capture the Flag?" he asked, his gaze sweeping across the group. He didn't expect an answer, and the silence that followed was his cue to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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