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The sky started to darken. Thunder shaking the whole horizon before the heavy rain fell down the earth.

"What if we help Jaan?" Jungwon suggested as he grows weary from what he thinks is happening in the dark, cold abyss of hell.

Heeseung clasped his hands under his chin, shaking his head as he looked at the lit candle in front of him.

"Jungwon, can you please calm down? Jay is capable of dealing with basically any demon." Jake said as he tried to calm down the younger one.

"But Shion ain't just a demon. He was once an archangel like us! Until you all decided to throw him off the Heaven and tear his wings apart. Not to mention, take his tainted heart—"

"Enough." The eldest said as he stood up. Jungwon obeyed and put his head down.

"Jungwon, Jay is destined to slay a greater demon. That is his destiny. Have faith in the Heavens." Heeseung said with a smile as he gave Jungwon a pat on his shoulders.

Meanwhile, back in Hell. Jay looked at Shion, or what is left of his holy body. He clenched his jaw before hurling his spear towards him. But instead of it landing on Shion, it instead hit one of the brute demon to protect Shion.

Jay smirks before he started destroying an tearing apart every demon that attempted too lan a scratch on him. The big brute didn't stood a chance as Jay broke on of its horn and stabbed it on its neck. He then successfully got his spear back, stabbing the brute on its head.

The other demons saw this and decided to not mess with him. Jay looks at Shion who is ascending the stairs into a stone temple. He followed him until he was finally inside.

The temple looks like it was made of stones and obsidian. But in reality, it was made by millions of bodies from sinners.

"Step out of the darkness, Shion. Your deceitfulness will not be tolerated by the Heavens." Jay said as he looks around the temple and its pillars made out of bodies.

"You've been roaming this realm and committing sins, tainting the innocent with your evil doings." He continued. Shion runs circles around him, observing every move he does.

When Jay felt that someone was behind him, he immediately thrusts his spear. But its tip was broken by Shion's wings.

"Tell me, Jaan. What did you felt when I was casted out and vanished from our realm?"

"What did you felt when you tore my wings off and took my heart out? Only to be kept hidden from me."

"You see, my intentions were not that bad. I wanted to save those people from the war between Heaven and Hell."

"You deceived us." Jay retorted back. Shion heaves out a sigh before walking around, touching the pillars of the temple.

"Remember them? These are the people you slaughtered. The people me and Solon were trying to save. Tell me, did the Heavens rejoiced when you casted me out due to my ambitions?" Shion asked. Silence. Silence was Jay can only answer to the question.

In reality, them casting out Shion took a toll on them. They tried to remind themselves that Shion was no more. That sacrificing him to please the Heavens..... were not worth it.

"No? They don't want you."

"Now that I am in front of you in my new form, I do wonder what would the Heavens think if you slay me—"

"That's enough!!" Jay shouted before stabbing Shion and pinning him against the wall.

Shion took it with open arms, as if he was letting Jay kill him.

"All I ever wanted was for the people to live a life full of peace. Why didn't you let me?" Shion asked as blood comes dripping down on his chin. He soon shut his eyes as he fall lifeless.

Jay looks at Shion's body before turning around. When he was about to fly, Shion grabbed him by the wings, stabbing him with the broken spear.

"A-Ahh!! Heavens, save me!!" He screamed as Shion tears his wings off his back.

"No! You belong in hell!" Shion said before inserting his hands inside the open wound he created, splitting Jay's body apart.

Light emerges from his body as he slowly dissintegrate into nothingness, with only his armor left on the ground to melt.

The light beam Jay created destroyed the top of the temple as it shoots up like a beacon.

The war was momentarily stopped, Jay's army started to get worried. The demons then turned their head towards the soldiers. Now helpless without their archangel, the demons tear them apart limb to limb.

Shion looks at the melting armor of Jay, smirking as he walks out of the temple.

Back in the overworld, Jungwon dropped the glass of water he was holding, causing everyone to look at him.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked. Jungwon looks at them with tears filling his eyes.

"Jaan's dead."

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