One Last Kiss ~08~

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After Blade had said that, he had simply pushed away everything that had just happened, and his mission with Jennifer went off without a hitch. It was a good day, so to speak.

But was it really?

Blade had still been acting strange throughout the whole time they'd been working. Jennifer had noticed this, and really wanted to help. But with these certain people watching them, there was nothing she could do. 

But as she was the only one who could understand Blade's horrible hand writing, as he had never been allowed to go to school, being put straight into the mafia the second he was born, he passed her another paper with more writing on it.

"The Mafia is watching. They're listening to our every word. Watching our every move. Waiting, waiting for the second we step out of line, so that they may react. Watch out, and listen to my words. This is what happened to me."

Jennifer stopped reading and looked at him in shock, 'W-what? How could they,' is what she'd like to say, but she couldn't, she mustn't. She didn't want her or Blade to face any unnecessary consequences, that could end in death.

'I can't die just yet...,' Jennifer thought to herself. 'I want to get married... To have kids, grand kids even. I don't want to leave Denis alone...'

Blade shook her back into reality, "Spades, it's okay," he said. "Just," he took a paper and wrote on it, "Read on," it read.

Jennifer continued reading the paper, and she couldn't believe what she'd been reading.

"They've taken my family. My mother, my father, my love... They're all dead now. I wanted to leave this horrible place, so that I could finally tell my love how I felt about them, but the higher ups found out. They took all of those who I loved, and murdered them right in front of me. I saw all the blood rush out of their bodies as they shot them, over and over again. I could hear their blood curdling screams, begging me for help as it happened, their apologies, everything, I heard and saw it all, and I am never going to forget what they said to me after that. "Never even think about that again," they said to me, "Or else your dear partner will be next." That happened just two days ago, and I can't risk it, I can't risk it happening to you."

There was more to read, but Jennifer already felt like vomiting.

"Please, help me defeat the higher ups. I know you've been wanting to leave too. Remember, nobody can hide anything from me Spades. I have a plan, but I just really need you to hear me out. You could finally escape off somewhere and marry Denis, just like you've always wanted, and I could get my revenge."

"Yes," Jennifer said confidently. Blade looked at her and smiled, handing her another piece of paper.

"Thank you so much. Now, here's my number and I'll text you later with the details for our next meet up. If your husband asks I am one of the other nurses at your job. Oh, and you've never really gotten my name now, have you Jennifer? My name is Gabe."

Jennifer took the paper and put it into her pocket. "Thank you," she whispered to him, as she hugged him goodbye. "Really, I mean it."

5 days.
5 days for Denis to figure out a plan.

30 days.
30 days until marriage.

And before then, Jennifer must find a way to leave the Mafia.

So much, in such little time, can they do it? And more importantly...

Will they succeed?

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