One Last Kiss ~13~

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Denis hopped into his car the second their call was done.

Time was running out, and time was running out fast. He decided his plan and he was going to need her help sooner, rather than later. 'There was no time like the present,' he'd say. And if he wasn't going to do it now, he's afraid he'd never tell her at all.

So here he was, and for the first time in forever, he was actually tracking her location. Of course he trusted her, she had just not told him where she was working right now.

But, I'll admit that he was debating that trust when he saw that she was in a weapon store.

"What would a doctor be doing in a weapon store," he wondered.

He drove there anyway, as he assumed maybe someone had gotten hurt there, and they needed extra backup. Once he arrived though all he saw was Jennifer with another man. This man he recognized.

He ran over to them, and instead of talking to his wife, he started talking to Blade.

"Gabe, nice to see you again," he said. "I haven't seen you since the old days," meaning when he'd trained Denis for undercover missions. 

Blade had at one point went undercover as an assassin for the mafia, and had coincidentally been chosen to train Denis. But he didn't know that the two Denis' were the same person.

"This Denis is your Denis," Blade asked Jennifer. "Ah, yes," she said, although she was awfully confused about how they'd known each other.

Now Denis turned to Jennifer, "I am really sorry that I came here when you told me not to," he said. "I have something really important to tell you, and if I didn't do it now, I was afraid I never would. So, my lovely Jennifer Collins, I," he whispered, "Am an assassin."

Jennifer looked surprised.

"I swear, I was going to quit once we got married... But the reason why I had to tell you this is because of your father, he...," Denis tried to get the words out of his mouth, but he just couldn't.

"What about my father," Jennifer asked. "He approved our marriage, did he not?" "Jennifer, I don't think he approves of our marriage at all, he... wants me dead," Denis finally said.

Jennifer knew Denis would never lie to her in such a way, but she couldn't believe that her father would want such a horrible thing. He said he loved her and all he wanted to do was make her happy, right?

He couldn't...

Denis could see the disbelief upon her face, "That day when we went to your parents house, and I had to take that call, that's when he told me he wanted to meet up. So, the next morning when I went to Brenda's bar... He- he offered me $10 000 for my death. I really didn't know what to do- But I knew in order to move forward, I needed to tell you first."

Gabe knew that Denis was telling the truth, he could see it on his face.

"Well here's our secret," he said.

4 days.
4 days for Denis to figure out a plan.

29 days.
29 days until marriage.

And before then, Jennifer must find a way to leave the Mafia.

So much, in such little time, can they do it? And more importantly...

Will they succeed?

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