Aries X Aquarius (One-Shot)

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In this one-shot:

Aries: Male

Taurus: Female

Gemini: Male

Cancer: Female

Leo: Male

Libra: Female

Virgo: Female

Scorpio: Male

Sagittarius: Male

Capricorn: Female

Aquarius: Female

Pisces: Male


During Art Lesson

"Finally! I'm done! It took me forty-seven minutes of my life!" Aquarius exclaimed as she held her art work in the air.

"Great job Aquarius!" Taurus, who was her bestie, said.

"Ugh, what in the world is that?" A voice behind them asked in a disgusted tone.

Taurus and Aquarius turned around. And to their surprise, the voice came from Aries. Aquarius had a crush on Aries, he was always eager to get any assignment done, and was independent and enthusiastic. Every time he walked passed Aquarius, she would often stare at him and blush heavily. But now, Aries had insulted her artwork and hurt her feelings. Aquarius felt disheartened.

"What's the matter with you dude? Can't you keep your comments to yourself?" Leo, who was standing beside Aries, said in an irritated voice.

"I can't. Any problem with that? But honestly though, this artwork is really horrible and pathetic. It's even worse than what Scorpio made." Aries insulted.

"I heard that!" Scorpio shouted across the room.

"What's your problem Aries?!" Aquarius shouted at him, with ferocious eyes.

"Take a good look, I don't have a problem. This is just my opinion on your artwork, and now you're angry about it. You're the one who's having a problem, not me." Aries said.

That was it, Aquarius was so angry that she gave everyone the silent treatment for a period of time.

Lunch Break

Aquarius was upset after what Aries had done. "Why did he had to say that?" she asked Taurus with a sad tone in her voice.

"I don't know... wait, could it be it?" Taurus smiled.


"He likes you!"

"No, you're kidding me..." Aquarius opened her mouth in shock.

Taurus just smirked at her.

"No! He can't possibly like me... I mean by, the way he's going off is telling me that he hates me!" Aquarius said.

"Erm... no. He does like you! He was trying to get your attention just by insulting you! Plus, have you ever noticed him staring at you in class?" Taurus asked.

"He does? I mean, he does?"

"Yes, the whole class has seen it!" Aquarius was slightly blushing now. "Really? Aries likes me?"

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