Leo X Aquarius (One-Shot)

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In this one-shot:

Leo: Male

Gemini: Male

Aquarius: Female

Aries: Female

Sagittarius: Female


In Class

'Damn, she's pretty.' Leo thought as he stared at Aquarius, his one and only crush. Gemini, his desk partner, smirked at him and nudged Leo with his elbow.

"Looks like someone's in love~" Leo's face soon turned red.

"Shut up dude! I'm not. I'm just thinking of something, I just happened to look at Aquarius while I was dreaming away!" Leo raised his voice, making everyone in class turn to look at him.

"Is there a problem erm. . . what was your name again?" The teacher said, pointing his pencil at Leo.

Snickers were heard around the classroom.

"Leo, my name is Leo. And I don't have a problem." he was starting to get wrathful. Leo clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white.

"Good, because you disrupted my class a few seconds ago. Detention, after school." The teacher took out a pink slip and wrote 'Disruption' on it. Leo murmured curse words under his breath as he got off his seat to take the pink slip.

"I'll be expecting you to come later. Now go back to your seat and pay attention to me." The teacher snarled with ferocious eyes that looked like it could shoot lasers out of it.

'Great! Just great!' Leo sarcastically thought to himself.

He sighed as he walked back to his seat. "Okay class, let's go back to our lesson. So, when we experience puberty-"

"EW!" the class yelled in union.

"Excuse me? What do you mean by 'ew'? It's completely normal for everyone to experience this stage in their lives!" the teacher said.

"Maybe the reason why we said 'ew', is because you explaining it makes it disgusting!" Sagittarius said, crossing her arms. The rest of the class dramatically gasped.



The teacher started to angry. Before he could shout at his pupils, the school bell rang. "Oh yeah! It's break time! Hasta la vista suckers!" Aries got off her seat and ran to the canteen. Soon, the others started to follow her.

At The School Canteen

Leo was sitting with Gemini, while Aquarius was sitting with Aries and Sagittarius. "I'm going to buy a sandwich." Leo said as he stood up from his seat.

"Go on. And make sure you make kissy faces at her!" Gemini shouted, with a smirk across his face.

"I'm going to kill you Gemini. . ." Leo mumbled, frowning at the same time.

While Leo was walking, he bumped into a small figure. "Sorry." he apologized.

"It's okay." Leo's eyes widened when he saw who is was. The person who always had that radiant smile on her face. Yup, it's Aquarius.

Leo was speechless, he didn't know what to say to her. Things soon started to turn awkward until Aquarius spoke. "So um, you got detention after school right?" she asked, tilting her head to a side.


'DARN IT LEO, DON'T STUTTER!' Leo thought, mentally face-palming himself.

"Well that sucks. I actually wanted you to come with me to the skate park. I was hoping we could do something fun together with Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini. I thought we could spend some quality friend time." Aquarius said.

'Wait, did she just said 'friend'? No! It can't be! Am I friend-zoned?' Leo thought to himself. 'Hopefully I'm not!'

"Hey Leo? You still there?" Aquarius chuckled, snapping her fingers in front of Leo's face.

"Yeah. I agree, it sucks..."Leo mumbled. He didn't know that Gemini was behind him.

Quickly, Gemini pushed him to Aquarius, making it seem that Leo hugged her.

"HEY GUYS LOOK AT THIS!" Gemini shouted, laughing at the same time. Aries took out her phone and took a picture of it.

"This is so going online!" Aries laughed.

Leo quickly pulled away and blushed in embarrassment. "Uhh... sorry." he said, looking down.

Aquarius just chuckled and said, "It's okay. Who knows? Maybe I have a thing for you. " she winked at him and walked away, leaving Leo speechless, again.

A/N Another one-shot done! So far, there are lots of votes for Pisces X Scorpio and Sagittarius X Capricorn! Let me be nice. I'll do both. asdfgesdds RAINBOWS

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