The Signs At The Beach (Short Story)

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A/N Here's a short story! I've been writing one-shots for a while now, and some people requested for a short story, so here it is!

In this short story:

Aries: Female

Taurus: Male

Gemini: Female

Cancer: Male

Leo: Female

Virgo: Male

Libra: Male

Scorpio: Female

Sagittarius: Female

Capricorn: Male

Aquarius: Male

Pisces: Female

At The Beach

"WOOO! WE'RE FINALLY AT THE BEACH!" Aries yelled in enthusiasm, putting on her sunglasses.

"The ride was sooo boring, that I had to keep myself entertained in the bus by poking Capricorn the entire time!" she grinned.

Capricorn sighed in annoyance. "Idiot..." he muttered.

The signs had planned a trip to the beach to spend some time together and get close with one another. Capricorn was in charge of the food, while the rest was in charge of the 'I don't want to be in charge' squad.

"IS THERE WIFI HERE?!" Gemini shouted, taking out her cellphone while frowning.


"PEOPLE, I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL Y'ALL!" Aquarius shouted, making everyone to look at him. Pisces gave him a confused face while everyone else gave a curious one.


Virgo and Capricorn raised their eyebrows.

Leo and Sagittarius mentally face palmed themselves.

Gemini and Libra shrugged at what was going on and continued to check for Wifi.

Pisces and Cancer had gotten afraid of the awkward tension that they ran away to build sand mermaids.

Taurus just munched on her sandwich.

Aries doesn't give a damn.

Scorpio licked her lips. "Well I would like some nuts for myself, " she said, causing Aquarius to blush.

"CAN YOU NOT GUYS? Both of you are making us feel nauseous." Leo said, giving them a frown. And the rest of signs nodded in agreement. Truth to speak, Leo was actually jealous of them, jealous of Scorpio. But shhh, don't tell anyone. Sagittarius and Aries were the only ones who saw the jealousy in Leo's eyes. They both smirked at her.

What does Scorpio thinks she's doing?! She's trying to steal my future boyfriend! Leo thought in anger and frustration. HE'S M-I-N-E, MINE

Without thinking, she stomped towards Scorpio and Aquarius, and pulled them apart. "Mine, " she mumbled as she dragged Aquarius away. Scorpio gave her a glare while the rest of the signs started laughing at the scene that was happening. Oh Leo, she probably forgotten about her fear of public humiliation. She'll regret it sooner or later when she realises it.


"Hey Cancer! Look at what I built!" Pisces exclaimed. Cancer turned around, his eyes widen and his jaw dropped.

Pisces has built a... sand Ariel The Mermaid.

"Whoa... it looks amazing, " he said. Pisces blushed and took her cellphone.

"What are you trying to do?" Cancer asked, confused. Pisces positioned herself and took a selfie with her creation. "This is what I'm trying to do." Pisces showed the selfie that she took to Cancer, and he smiled.

Taurus walked towards them and said, "Nice work."

"Why thank you."


"FOR THE LAST TIME IS THERE WIFI HERE?" Gemini shouted, feeling frustrated.

Libra got on his knees with his cellphone in his hand and yelled, "WHERE THEM WIFI AT?!"

Virgo suddenly came out of nowhere and said, "Do you have a data plan? You know you can use data, right?" Gemini and Libra's mouth turned to an 'o' shape.

"Damn it." The two cursed.

Zodiac Signs - One-Shots And Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora