The Signs At A Party (Short Story)

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In this short story:

Aries: Male

Taurus: Male

Gemini: Female

Cancer: Female

Leo: Female

Virgo: Female

Libra: Female

Scorpio: Male

Sagittarius: Female

Capricorn: Female

Aquarius: Female

Pisces: Male

The signs planned to throw a party at Capricorn's house. At first, Capricorn refused to let the rest of the signs crash her place since she knew that they would make her a place a total chaotic mess, and she would have to clean it up afterwards. But she soon relented after Cancer and Pisces gave her the puppy eyes. I mean, who couldn't resist them?

I guess people with no jams could resist them.

Capricorn was lying peacefully on her bed and reading books on Wattpad. She was staring at her phone for the past forty-five minutes, not moving an inch. But her reading pleasure soon came to an end when the door bell rang. Capricorn frowned. "Coming!" she yelled, frustration evident in the tone of her voice. She brought her phone with her and walked towards the door.

While she was unlocking it, a voice behind the door shouted,  "HURRY UP GIRL! WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY FOR A PARTY SO MOVE YOUR LAZY BUTT!" Capricorn knew who it was. Aries.

After about a second, Capricorn finally managed to unlock it, and all her friends stood in front of her.

Aries had an impatient look on his face.

Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces smiled at her.

Gemini was using her phone, not caring a thing.

Sagittarius, Leo and Aquarius was chatting away.

Libra and Virgo waved at her.

"About time..." Aries mumbled as he walked in. Capricorn gave him a glare and went to welcome the rest.

"Nice house you got here! I could stay here forever! Buuut, I prefer my house more, " Taurus said, making the rest face palmed.

"Hey guys, let's start to prepare the food, " Sagittarius said. The rest nodded.


"Phew, we're finally done, " Cancer exhaustedly said, sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, this took like sixty percent of my party energy but I'm still good, " Aquarius said as she stretched out.

Taurus said, "Woah! Look at all the food we got here! Guess what?"

"What?" The rest asked.

"IT'S ALL MINE!" As soon as Taurus finished his sentence, he took the salad and devoured it. Everyone else gave a creeped out look.

"Hey! Anybody wanna play Truth Or Dare?" Leo asked.

"Me, " Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Libra replied in unison.

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