Sagittarius X Capricorn (One-Shot) Part Two

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In this one-shot:

Cancer: Male

Scorpio: Male

Sagittarius: Male

Capricorn: Female

Pisces: Female



Scorpio's P.O.V.

I thought Capricorn, Pisces and Cancer were my friends. But I guess I was wrong. They betrayed me like him. I don't think I can forgive them for this. They will regret doing this to me.

I walked down the hallways, looking at my surroundings as I do. I stopped walking as I saw something that caught my eyes. Capricorn and Sagittarius flirting with each other, right in front of me.

Without thinking, I ran up to them and growled, "Get away from each other." The both of them remained silent and gave me a look in response. I clenched my teeth and glared at them. Didn't they hear what I say?

"I said get away from each other!" I shouted at them, getting angrier within seconds. Capricorn tried to move away, but Sagittarius grabbed her by the wrist, mouthing 'Don't' to her.

Something in me snapped. Anger coursed my veins. I clenched my knuckles until it turned white. Before I knew it, my fist came in contact with a locker. Bringing a sharp, stinging pain into my hand.

"OWWW!" I screamed in pain. I held my injured hand in my other and winced. Sagittarius and Capricorn looked at me with concern.

"Scorpio do you need help?" Sagittarius asked. I shook my head in reply.

Capricorn looked at him, and he nodded. "Come on, let's bring you to the infirmary, " Capricorn said. I tried to push them away but it was no use. Soon enough, we reached the infirmary.


  "I told you guys, I don't need your-OUCH!" I was cut off by my own scream as the nurse bandaged my injured hand. Capricorn raised her eyebrows and said, "You sure? Because the way you're acting right now really looks like you need help." Sagittarius nodded in agreement.

I sighed. This goes to show that they're still my friends because they care about me. They even bothered to bring me here. I guess I should apologise. "Umm guys? I'm sorry... for you know, shouting at y'all and tried to punch you, Sagittarius, " I said, looking down.

"We forgive you, " the both of them said in unison.

"But there's one thing I don't understand. Why did you stopped talking to me after I moved neighbourhoods? Is it because you hate me or something? I need to know the truth after two years Scorpio, " Sagittarius said.

I took a deep breath before I spoke. "Actually Sagi, I felt betrayed ever since you moved. I thought that you didn't want to hangout with me anymore so I decided that I should stop talking to you. But now, I regret it. It caused us to drift apart and look what the heck happened, " I pointed at the gap between us and continued, "I'm sorry Sagittarius for things I've done."

"It's okay Scorpio, I forgive you. As long as you promise to change your ways, " Sagittarius said.

"I promise." He smiled.

"Oh, and Sagi, " I said. Sagittarius hummed in response.

"Treat Capricorn like a queen." Capricorn blushed.

Sagittarius grinned as he pulled her closer to him. "I always will." And leaned in to kiss her. I smirked at the scene that was happening in front of me.

"Hope y'all frickle frackle soon, " I said. The both of them pulled away from each other and glared at me in embarrassment. I laughed at them.

Looks like me and Sagittarius are going to be best buds again. Just like old times.

A/N This is the end of this one-shot! Hope you guys enjoyed! :)


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