Chapter 1

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"322, come in, please."

"Motherfucker," I groan, picking up the radio mic. "322."

"322, 10-21 dispatch."

"10-4," I say, hanging the mic up in my patrol car. Why the hell is dispatch wanting me to call in? I get out my phone to call in.

"Atlanta Police Department, dispatcher 1-7-5-0," the dispatcher states.

"Hey, Lisa. It's Sylinda. What's up?" I ask quickly.

"Listen, we have a high-priority call and Sarge wants you to handle it, discreetly," Lisa says. I get my pen and steno pad out while secretly hoping the call has me tied up for a few hours. Midnights in downtown Atlanta can be brutal even on a Wednesday and so far it has been particularly brutal.

"Okay, give me the details and I will head that way," I say.

"Looks like there is a possible harassment case. Well, not really a harassment case. They want the person trespassed. Hotel security has them detained and they are waiting on you. Sarge wants you to handle the suspect and then talk with the artists," Lisa says. Why do I always get the artist calls?

"10-4," I say with a sigh. "Send me the information to my laptop and I will handle it. Go ahead and hold me out on the call." I hang up the phone and wait for my laptop to show the information.

Omni Hotel. See manager Heath for suspect information. Reporting party is on the top floor, MVP suite 105, Mr. Bang.

I put my squad car in drive and make my way to the Omni. I have been a cop for 5 years and prefer working the midnight shift. I can never sleep at night so I might as well work. Right now I am in between partners since Randy transferred to days. The man couldn't stand the silence between calls so he would talk incessantly. I won't miss having him in my vehicle.

I pull up to the Omni entrance and put my Dodge Charger in park. I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out, locking the door behind me. I walk up to the front desk to see a guy reading a chemistry book. He looks up and sees me waiting.

"Wow, hi. Um, what can I do for you, officer?" he asks.

"Got a call to see a manager by the name of Heath," I say with an inclination toward what is about to happen next.

"He's right around this corner, first door on your left. And if he can't help you, I will be glad to assist you in any way," he says, licking his lips.

Jesus every fucking time. Heaven forbid a cop be female and attractive at that. I nod my thanks and make my way to the room. I open the door and see a man standing in front of a young girl in a chair. She looks scared to death while the guy is yelling at her.

"You can't come in here again. Do you understand!" the guy yells.

"Hey, what's going on?" I yell back at him.

"Finally, took your time huh?" the guy says back. He definitely is one hamburger away from a heart attack. He's taller than me and is sweating.

"Sir, why don't we calm down? Are you Heath? I am assuming the child you have in the seat is who you called about. How old are you, sweetie?" I ask as I turn my attention to the girl. She looks down at her hands and softly tells me she is 16. My eyes pop out of my head and I turn to glare Heath.

"She has snuck into our hotel twice now to try to see our guests. I didn't get her the first time, but I caught her the second time. I searched her to make sure she didn't have any weapons on her and then brought her in here. Waiting for you," Heath says, getting louder with each sentence.

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