Chapter 13

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What was the worst that could happen? Abigail thought to herself as she put the final touches on her ruby red lips.

When she'd asked Lev to extend her leave, he'd said okay. But when she'd told him that there was no point coming back for a month, and she wanted to leave earlier than she'd promised, he insisted that she do one final show so that he could give her the proper farewell she deserved.

She'd felt ungrateful saying no to him; he'd been her family when she'd had none. He'd encouraged her to go back to school. He'd believed in her when she hadn't believed in herself. This job that Ruslan looked down on, afforded her a lifestyle that meant she didn't have to rely on anyone; she owed that much to Lev. It was one show.

One show and then it was all over forever. Ruslan himself had told her not to let anyone know she was pregnant. This was the best way she could think to tie things up, without raising anyone's suspicion. She couldn't tell them she was pregnant. Lev would kill her if he found out, though he'd have to get in line these days. She thought of telling him, but she couldn't bring herself to do it; his judgement of her hypocrisy, his disappointment when he found out whose baby she was having... it would crush her. Four years of nursing school by day, working at the club by night and she managed to fall pregnant in her last semester. It was cruel.

She hadn't seen Ruslan since he'd broken her window before that awkward exchange where she'd almost slept with him. Again! Even before that, she hadn't seen him at the Den for months; more precisely since she'd slept with him. He'd been a fairly infrequent visitor, but he'd stopped coming all together after the night they'd spent together. The last time she'd stumbled across him had been at that horrible scene. She figured he had no reason to start turning up tonight and if she could get through the show without him finding out, everyone would be happy. If he found out later, well... she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.

For her first number she wore a red sequinned bodysuit with a glittery top hat in the same shade. The noise of the crowd was piercing as the girls took their places behind the curtain. It was a full house with standing room only. There were three bachelor party groups tonight, who in all likelihood were responsible for the deafening noise that could be heard as far as the dressing rooms.

When the curtain went up, instead of music blaring as it often did, Ivan the Den's MC, took to the stage.

"Gentleman, tonight is a very special night as all of our members will know. After seven long years, we're saying farewell to one of the Den's brightest, sassiest dancers, and even though she hates things like this, we thought we had to give her the farewell she deserved. Come on out here Abby," Ivan said, turning toward her as he called her centre stage.

Abigail walked out of the line.

The crowd roared as she curtseyed with exaggerated politeness.

He took her hand.

"Abby's been with us for the last seven years Gentlemen and she is finally calling it a day. Let's give her a round of applause everyone. We're gonna miss her dearly here at the Den, gentleman. She's one of our longest performing dancers and if it's your first time at the Den tonight, you'll understand why she's such a crowd favourite. In a few minutes you'll see her in the first of her last ever three performances. We wish her the very best."

The crowd roared. Wolf whistles and cheers erupted around them.

"What are you starting us off with tonight Abby?"

"Everyone's favourite Ivan. Gold Digger."

The bachelor party groups erupted into applause before chanting "Get down girl, go'n head, get down."

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