Chapter 29

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He came out of the shower before her, leaving her to stand under the warm stream that was now cascading over her back as she leaned into her forearms, trying to catch her breath.

When they'd hooked up the first time and he'd disappeared, she'd told herself that the sex hadn't been as mind blowing as she thought. It was the impossibility of them ever being together that was making her exaggerate how good it had been; that unattainability did that to a person. It fucked with your mind so that you wanted what you couldn't have. But now as she stood in the shower, her limbs a quivering mess, she realised it was every bit as good as she remembered, if not better.

He was tucking his shirt into his pants when she finally came out of the shower, wearing a towel wrapped under her arms.

"I'm leaving," he said, as his lips landed on her forehead.

"I'll be a few hours."

But his attention seemed to stall and his eyes moved to her chest and then landed on her hands that were clutching the two ends of her towel.

He lifted her up off the ground without warning, sitting her on the countertop behind her, as he got between her legs. He pried her apart with his own body, tugging at the towel in her hands, until it fell beside her. She watched as his head dipped, his lips brushing gently against the robins that were tattooed mid-flight on her collarbone. His touch left a blaze of heat in its wake, and as his mouth made its journey downward, Abigail braced herself against the countertop even before she watched him get down on his knees.

"Ruslan," she murmured, not sure what it was that she was asking of him.

"Uh-huh," he said, continuing his trail downward.

She hissed sharply when his mouth closed over her core, his tongue finding her clit in one fell swoop.  He lapped at it until her body began moving to the rhythm of his mouth, moaning as her hips pushed forward to meet the tingling intrusion that had the pit of her core building to a mind-blowing climax.

She muffled her cries when he sucked on her throbbing clit, embarrassed that Anna might hear her. By the time he brought her to an end, she thought she might pass out. He lingered there between her legs, kissing her inner thigh before standing to enjoy the havoc he'd wrecked on her body.

She was a smiling breathless mess. He placed his hand behind her neck, drawing her to his chest as she caught her breath.

"That makes three," he said. "Don't ever doubt me again,"  he winked.

"Oh my God, I most certainly will not," she panted as she watched him smooth his shirt.

"I'm going to catch up with Annie today," she said trying to catch her breath while pulling the towel up over her chest.

It came out with more hesitation than she intended it to.

"From the Den?" he asked, wondering if he'd got the name right. It sounded familiar.

"Huh-huh," she said, searching his face for what she knew would be an objection and readying herself for a fight.

He seemed to be contemplating it, looking at her pensively, before surprising her.

"What time are you meeting her?" he said, apparently deciding he wasn't going to stop her.

"12'ish at the Grill House," she said.

"Ok. But Yakov comes with you. He'll be discreet. I'll tell him to sit away from you."

"Who's Yakov?"

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