Thank you!

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Thank you for reading Blurred Lines. 🙏 to everyone who's followed, supported, commented and reacted to the book. It was always incredibly motivating as a newbie to Wattpad who didn't know what to expect.

Blurred Lines is my first foray into writing and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. In writing the story of Abigail and Ruslan, I wanted to create a fantasy that also felt real with characters that had depth, were intelligent and spirted - that were relatable and that could illustrate how easily our truths and values can sometimes become blurred. I love a good antihero, but it's the antihero's redemption that is key to the story - otherwise the romance is all a bit one-dimensional. I hope l was successful in achieving that.

For those who have left messages asking me about Part 2 - I was working on it along with another story I'm currently writing. But I'm finding it difficult to juggle both so have prioritised The Blood Debt before I go back to writing the second instalment of Blurred Lines. I've attached a little teaser which will appear as the prologue in Part Two.

The Reckoning - the sequel to Blurred Lines.


Abigail's eyes fluttered open before closing in defence against the spinning foreground that made her stomach churn.

She swallowed, trying to rid her mouth of the dryness that stretched as far back as her throat, while her hand moved unconsciously to her neck where it throbbed, exhaling painfully when her fingers brushed against a lump. The memory of a sharp unexpected jab felt dreamlike, disorienting as it crossed the realm from unconsciousness to reality.

She murmured, becoming more and more aware of her surroundings as she roused... the softness of the mattress beneath her... the clammy chill in contrast to the beads of sweat that trickled down her face... the darkness of the room... the dank stale air...

A vision of Ruslan and a gunshot came into focus like a foggy picture that suddenly pixelates, making her bolt violently upright; the abruptness of her movement caused the room to spin around her.

She cringed before closing her eyes against the shadows that danced in the darkness. Even in her disorientated state, she'd seen enough to know her worst fears had been realised.

Rising panic immobilised her. Her eyes darted wildly around the room as she tried to recognise something from her unfamiliar surrounds.

She was in a basement.

Abigail wasn't a stranger to fear, but this terror eclipsed any other she'd known before it. Her legs felt stiff with panic when she tried to get to her feet - her limbs refusing to comprehend the urgency of her situation - something every other part of her body could feel and knew.

"Oh krasivaya. How I have missed you."

Her head snapped in the direction of that unmistakable voice.

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