Chapter 1

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"You're forbidden from writing him any letters, Y/n." My mother shakes her head at me. "Not after everything he's done. I don't want you near any dark magic ever again."

Tears are sliding down my cheeks as my father wraps an arm around me. He clears his throat.

"Nora, maybe we should reconsider-"

"No." My mother's voice is sharp. "I'm doing this for her own good."

"Mum." My voice is barely a whisper. "He's my best friend."

Mum's eyes softened a little. She bends down in front of me, taking my hands. "Would a true friend put you in danger? Take advantage of you over and over again?" She angrily shakes her head.

"I know you're willing to do whatever it takes to help him. But Y/n, Anne is his first priority, not you." I bite my lip and look away from her.

"He cares for me." I wanted to say more, but I didn't trust my voice to stay steady.

My mother sighs. "I know you think of me as cruel. But I'm doing this for you. I don't care if you saved the entire wizarding world. You're still my child." She squeezes my hands before getting up.

My tears continue to flow as my father holds me in his arms, murmuring gentle words. "Let it out, honey." He rubs my back soothingly.

"It's not fair," I choke out. "I saved the entire bloody wizarding world from Ranrok and Rookwood! Mum can't treat me like a child!"

My father sighs. "I know, Y/n. And we're undeniably proud of you. But," he takes my hand in his. "Your mother and I are worried about you. You have gone through more than we can imagine. Perhaps taking a break from Sebastian will do you some good."

I shake my head, but I'm too exhausted to argue anymore. Instead, I rest my head on my father's shoulder, where I wearily surrender to the fatigue consuming me.

Present Time

I scan my room, making sure I packed everything in my school trunk. My potion kit, school robes, and textbooks are all set neatly inside. I start to clean my owl's cage when my mother pokes her head in.

"Y/n, are you all packed?"

"I think so," I responded shortly. I do one last check to make sure I have everything. Woody, my spotted owl, flies through my window. He perches herself on top of my wardrobe before he starts to eat whatever he's holding in her mouth.

I grimace at her. I knew it was the circle of life, but I don't think I could ever get used to watching my owl eat frogs or mice.

My mother walks in, taking a seat on my bed. She nervously twists her hands. "Y/n, I wanted to talk to you about something."

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