Chapter 3

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!Contains game spoilers!

Y/n's Perspective

I could barely focus on Charms class. Thankfully, Profesor Ronen had insisted we take an easy day and just play Summoners' Court. When class is over, I walk over to Sebastian, who gives me an expectant look.

I awkwardly gesture for him to follow me, heading up to the Astronomy Tower. As we walked up all those damned stairs, I fought to keep my heavy breathing down. I would rather duel an entire camp of goblins than climb all these stairs.

When we finally reached the seventh floor I let out a soft sigh, pretending like I wasn't just fighting for my life. "Okay. Almost there."

"We climbed all those stairs and we're still not there?" Sebastian grumbled. I ignore him, concentrating as I stared at the stone wall. "What now? Are you having a staring contest?"

The door materialized, curling along the wall. "Let's go." I don't bother looking at him to see if he'll follow, opening the door and walking in. My room of requirement was as neat as ever, the tables devoid of their usual plants and potions.

"Deek?" I call out. No answer. Perhaps it was better if he wasn't here.

"What is this place?" Sebastian murmurs as he walks around. He examines the tables.

"It's the Room of Requirement. Professor Weasley showed it to me last year. It's to help me with my studies." I sink into one of the blue armchairs. Sebastian sits across from me. He crosses his arms.

"You said you would talk. So, talk." He tilts his head at me,

I swallow. "When I went home after fifth year ended, my parents were furious with me. I didn't tell them anything that was going on, about my ancient magic, Ranrok, Rookwood. You can imagine their surprise when they saw it in The Daily Prophet."

Sebastian nods, motioning for me to continue.

I let out a sigh as I fiddle with my hands. "I didn't want to worry them about what happened. So, I refused to tell them anything. I tried to assure them that I was okay...but they told me they could hear me screaming in my sleep." I grip my skirt to hide my shaky hands. Sebastian gives me a look of sympathy.

"The last straw," I take a deep breath, "was when my mother discovered my scar."

"Your scar?" Sebastian furrows his brows.

I stand up and walk in front of him. Before I can second-guess myself, I yank my blouse up, revealing my stomach.

Sebastian's Perspective

It happened so fast that I couldn't prepare myself. Entranced by her, the first thing that I noticed was how smooth her skin looked. My eyes roved over her bare stomach, taking her in. Then, I saw it. Claw marks, on her right side. I inhaled sharply.

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