Chapter 9

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Y/n's Perspective

After a restful weekend, I found myself sitting alone at breakfast. For the last two days, I'd been waking up early to check if Woody arrived with Mum's response. When the owls swooped in to deliver the mail, I eagerly looked around for any sight of Woody. Nothing. I deflated in my seat, staring down into my bowl of oatmeal.

It's only been two days since I wrote to Mum, I reminded myself. Woody probably just made it to London. It was possible he would need to take a few days to recover after his journey. I gripped my spoon, feeling restless.

"Something on your mind?"

Startled, I looked up to see Andrew Larson sitting down across from me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see him approach. I smiled wanly at him. "Good morning. I was just thinking about something."

"I hope 'something' is code for me." Andrew teases. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. He was such a flirt. But I didn't mind it. I grinned at Andrew, feeling my restlessness from earlier fading away. Just being around Andrew made everything feel lighter. "But really, Y/n. Is everything alright?"

I play with my oatmeal. "I just have some family things going on. That's all." Out of the corner of my eye, I see him nod sympathetically.

"I know just the way to cheer you up. Close your eyes." Andrew smiled broadly at me. I tilt my head at him before I do as he says. I hear my bowl of oatmeal sliding across the table. Keeping my eyes shut, I frown. What was he doing? A minute later, I hear him clap his hands. "Okay. You can open your eyes now."

I open my eyes, watching as Andrew pushes my bowl of oatmeal back to me. I look down, seeing blueberries forming a smiley face in my oatmeal. A beam spread on my face. "Andrew! That's so sweet."

Andrew starts to decorate his own oatmeal with blueberries. "I used to do this for my younger sisters. They always loved it."

"Younger sisters?" I admired my oatmeal, not wanting to ruin the smiley face by eating it. "Are they here at Hogwarts?"

Andrew shakes his head. "I'm Muggle-born." My eyes lit up. We had much more in common than I thought we did. We were both older siblings. And even if I wasn't Muggle-born, I had attended Muggles schools in London when I mistakenly thought I was a Squib. 

Before I could ask him any more questions, Everett sits down next to Andrew, holding a box of chocolate cauldrons. I felt a small twinge of disappointment that we were no longer alone. "Morning."

"Hi. What are those for?" I point at the box with my spoon.

"Oh, these?" Everett grins mischievously. "I nicked them from Duncan. Want one?" He takes the cover off the box, offering it to Andrew and I.

As we both take one, Peeves drops a handful of scrambled eggs on Everett's head, cackling as he zooms off.

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