Chapter 7

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Sebastian's Perspective

I immediately slump over the table as soon as I take a seat across from Imelda in the Great Hall. I hear her snort. "You're not hungover, are you? I barely saw you drink."

"No." I sit up, sighing. After I helped Amit carry Y/n down to her dorm, I left the party. I didn't see much point in sticking around if she wasn't there. I tossed and turned all night in bed, haunted by Y/n's tears. Andrew's voice kept whispering in my mind. She's not a thing to own. I was constantly filled with guilt these days. Even when I tried to make amends, it backtracked.

Imelda chewed on her scrambled eggs as she looked at me thoughtfully. "What happened last night?" I glanced around the table to make sure nobody was eavesdropping. All the other Slytherins were eating their breakfast and focused on their conversations. I turned back to her.

"I tried to get a moment alone with Y/n, but it was hopeless. She was drunk." I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

Imelda smirked. "I've never seen you so taken with a girl before. Anne would be proud." I felt my throat tightened at the mention of her. I busied myself with buttering my toast, not making eye contact. "How is she?" Imelda asked gently. "I miss her."

Shit. I sighed, choosing my words carefully. "She's still sick. Anne's resting in Feldcroft as I search for a cure." It was best to keep things vague. Imelda nods sympathetically. I changed the subject before she could ask more questions. "Where's Nerida and Grace?" It was rare to see the three of them separated.

"They're still in bed. They didn't even drink and they're still sleeping." Imelda snorts, shaking her head. "I don't think they're used to partying."

"I've been meaning to ask, but how did you even get invited to the Ravenclaw party? I heard that they're exclusive with invites." I frown. If it wasn't for Poppy telling me, I probably wouldn't have known about it. Imelda wasn't exactly popular with the Ravenclaws, either.

To my surprise, Imelda averts her eyes. "I have my ways." I raised my eyebrows at her. She started to play with her ponytail, throwing it over her shoulder. I resisted an urge to laugh. Was Imelda Reyes acting shy?  It was an expression I'd never seen on her before. It made her look more delicate. Softer.

"Okay," I say slowly. I was curious but didn't care enough to pry. I had other things to focus on. We continue to eat breakfast in silence. As soon as I was finished, I stood up. "I'll see you later, Imelda." She mumbles a goodbye as I leave. I didn't know what to do as I left Great Hall. It was the first weekend of the school year. Normally, I would spend my weekends with Y/n or Ominis. That was out of the question.

I blinked as I saw Y/n walking towards me, rubbing her eyes. With a jolt, I noticed that her hair was loose again. She lowered her hands, yawning. I swallowed. She looked so sweet with her sleepy expression. To my surprise, she slowed her steps as we made eye contact. She stood in front of me, a few feet away. "Hi." Y/n gave me an awkward smile. She lifted a hand to play with a strand of hair. 

I knew by now that she always played with her hair when she was nervous. It was one of the small things I adored about her. I took in her tired expression, wondering if she was hungover. She didn't look fully present in our conversation. "Good morning. How are you feeling? After last night, I mean."

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