Chapter 12

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Andrew's Perspective

-Flashback To Fifth-Year-


Whispers of her arrival reached my ears before I even saw her. Samantha and Amit were chattering excitedly to each other as they stared at the entrance of the Great Hall.

"She looks like she's around our age. How strange. I've never seen a student start Hogwarts so late," Amit murmured.

"Who cares? I hope she'll be a Ravenclaw," Samantha whispered in a hushed tone. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her and Duncan turning their heads to get a glimpse of the new student.

When I looked up to see the new girl, all I saw was her retreating back as she made her way to the stool in front of the staff table. When she finally turned around to sit down, I stiffened in surprise.

In my years at Hogwarts, I've read every book I managed to get my hands on. And yet, I lacked the knowledge to describe how captivating she looked.

Her eyes traveled across the Great Hall, taking in the sights of her new school. Even from a distance, I could see the nervousness and curious excitement on her face.


After the Sorting Hat declared she was a Ravenclaw, I felt my face split into a wide grin. All of the Ravenclaws were wearing matching expressions as we cheered for her.

Unfortunately, none of us got a chance to talk to her that night. The new girl stayed back with Professor Weasley while we retreated to Ravenclaw Tower. Samantha was squealing in our ears during the entire walk. It was possible that she was more excited to meet the new girl than I was.


Y/n Lovegood.

I was fortunate to share a few classes with the mysterious new girl. We had Defense Against the Dark Arts, Beasts class, Astronomy, and History of Magic together. She was adjusting quite well, considering it was her first experience with magic.

I felt her presence every single time she entered a room. How could I not? Our classmates always greeted her eagerly as soon as she walked by. I could hear the excitement in their voices as they spoke to her. I couldn't blame them, of course. She was a remarkable girl, really. One couldn't help but be drawn to her.

I knew I couldn't help the pull I felt towards her.


Y/n Lovegood and Sebastian Sallow were quite the twosome these days. I didn't know how it was possible, but she brought back the old Sebastian Sallow we grew up with. The cheerful, extroverted, slightly arrogant Slytherin boy we once knew before Anne's tragic incident.

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