Chapter 4

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Y/n's Perspective

Andrew, Everett, and I walk to the quidditch pitch after a hasty trip to the dorms for a quick wardrobe change and to grab our broomsticks. Everett had insisted on coming along with us, to which I did not object.

As Everett went to grab the equipment, Andrew turned to me. "There are four positions in Quidditch," he explains. "Chaser, Seeker, Beater, and Keeper. Chasers throw the quaffle through the hoops, while Keepers defend the hoops. Beaters keep the bludgers away from the players." He raises his eyebrows. "Are you following along so far?"

"Yes!" I give him a confident thumbs-up. Not really. What's a quaffle and a bludger?

Before I arrived at Hogwarts in my fifth year, my parents had sent me to muggle school. I lived with both worlds, attending muggle school while growing up in the Wizarding World. My father attempted to take me to quidditch matches when I was younger but stopped immediately when he realized people were excluding us. Nobody wanted to interact with a "squib." I swallow, shoving the memories away and focusing on Andrew again.

Andrew nods. "And lastly, the Seeker," he grins at me, "catches the golden snitch. Seeker is probably the most important position, the game can't end until the golden snitch is captured."

"Okay," I say slowly. "I think I got everything. What position should I try out for?"

"I think you would make a fantastic Chaser or Seeker. We could really use your speed." He clears his throat, fidgeting with his collar. "How about I show you both positions? That way we can see what you're most comfortable with?"

I hear a loud snort behind me. Everett walks past us, setting a trunk down. "You two have fun with that. I'm going to release a bludger to practice, okay?" I watch as he unchains a black ball and pulls out a bat. "You might want to step back."

I frown, "Why would I have to-"

All of a sudden, the bludger launches itself into the air. I shield my eyes against the sun, squinting at the ball. "Hey, I think it's falling down over he-"

"Y/n!" Before I have any time to react, Andrew tackles me out of the way, mere moments before the bludger crashes into where I was standing. I let out a grunt of pain as our bodies collided with the ground.

Andrew breathes hard, laying on top of me. "Are you alright?"

I distinctly become aware that his body is on top of mine, his face inches away. I blush furiously. "Uh," I blurt out. Merlin. Help. Me.

"Andrew, you're crushing her." Everett sounds like he's holding back a laugh as he approaches us. Andrew's eyes widened. He frantically scrambles off of me before offering a hand to help me up.

I take it, standing up and brushing myself off. "Thank you. You saved me from a concussion." I laugh a little, trying to act normal.

"No problem." He scratches the back of his head, not meeting my eyes.

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