2 - All Nighter

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"Goodbye Nate." She said as she hung up the phone.

Exhaling a deep breath, I looked around my desk as I put the telephone back in it's place.

My desk was messy, filled with paperwork and other whatnot. Every piece of object was scattered and lost somewhere except for one; Our wedding photo.

I always made sure that photo never got lost or scattered, after all, I worked with detectives and investigators, international ones for that matter. A scattered or lost wedding photo would mean marital troubles.

We didn't have the type of wedding that most would imagine, we got married at the courthouse which led some of the neighbourhood ladies to think I knocked her up.

That's not the case though.

3 years ago

Sipping from my freshly brewed morning coffee, I looked outside the window.

It was quite dark for a morning and even worse I heard some thunders just a few minutes ago which would indicate rain.

A rapid knocking was suddenly heard from my door and I immediately put down my coffee mug and reached for my gun.

It could've been some salesman for all I know but I've made some enemies along the way of my career path and it's better safe than never.

I slowly approached my door but then the knocking stopped, I didn't have peephole to look into but since it stopped I decided to not open.

That was until, whoever it was started knocking again, this time louder and more persistent.

"What the hell." I muttered as I opened the door cautiously until I saw a peek of who it was.

"Elizabeth?" I asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow at her.

She looked just like the day I met her, at the airport. Short auburn hair, green eyes and a few light freckles.

She looked tired and was panting heavily as if she had just ran here.

We hung out at the airport cafe by her suggestion as a way to apologize for bumping into me, there she insisted that I call her by her first name and it seemed only right that she calls me by mine too.

"Oh thank goodness!" She said out loud putting a hand over her chest and trying to breathe calmly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked but before she could reply I realized that she was still standing outside and told her to come inside my house.

"Listen, I need your help." She said when she finally calmed herself down.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I have about 2 days left before I get deported and I don't want to go back!" She explained to me.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You work abroad, don't you?"

"Yes, but I don't remember telling you that." I answered, eyeing her suspiciously.

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