4 - Zurich

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The pan was sizzling as I added the oil and waited for it to heat up a little before cracking an egg open and cook it.

I don't usually do the cooking, whenever I get home I was too tired but I would still study my open cases either way, thankfully Elizabeth didn't mind and just did everything she was supposed to do, like she promised.

But today, I felt refreshed and I don't know why. I took a peek in Elizabeth's room earlier only to see her in deep sleep. She looked tired with bags underneath her eyes and I thought about just letting her rest.

I made sure the egg was scrambled and mixed with cheese because that's how she likes her eggs; an omelette.

"You cooked?" I heard Elizabeth's soft yet sleepy voice coming from the hall and towards me.

She stood by my side and watched me cook. "Yep, it's an omelette." I told her, she nodded and looked over the coffee maker but saw that I already brewed one and took her mug and poured some.

I placed the plate of omelette in front of her before taking a seat and we both started eating.

"Aren't you tired...?" She asked, tilting her head a little to her right.

I've always found it amusing to see her tilt her head when she's asking a question or trying to understand something. I'll admit, it is cute.

"Today? Not really." I answered her and our conversation ended. It never goes on long, we've known each other for 3 years but we never talked long.

"Have you gotten your flight details?"

"Yep, it's in Zürich and my flight is tomorrow at 8:30pm."

"Shall I pack for you?"

"Not thanks, I can do it myself."

And just like that, conversation ended yet again. It's not like we weren't interested in what goes on in each others lives, I guess we just didn't mind how we really didn't know much of each other.

Here's the things I know about Elizabeth:

1. Her favorite color is dark purple which she keeps calling Amethyst.

2. She's an orphan and based on the records that I pulled up, she was abandoned when she was 6 months old or at least that's what they estimated her to be.

3. Cat lover; she prefers cats over dogs which is why I bought Nyx for her.

4. Following the cat's name; Nyx. You can tell that she has interest when it comes to Mythology, specifically Greek.

5. She's unusually athletic despite the fact that she never goes to gym. She has fast reflexes and knows basic combat as if she's been trained that way.

But she always insist that she had some friends that were spent their time on the streets and sometimes jail back when she was in England.

I didn't see any records of her being in prison though which would probably mean that her friends must not have heavily influenced her.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Elizabeth spoke, I didn't realized I was in a trance until she spoke.

"Sorry, what?"

"I asked how long will you be gone?"

"Depends on how long the case will take."

"So if it took a year, then will be gone for a year?"

"Not, I'm sure they'll give us a limited time before they take over the case."

"Oh." Was all she said before continuing to eat and not long after she finished and put her plate unto the sink and left.

The good news is that I didn't have to go to work today, I had the entire day all to myself.

And I took the opportunity to study up the case and see some details that I might've missed.

I've already made the deduction that whoever killed him was a hired professional, now I just need to know who killed him send who hired him.

"Isn't that Leon Schmid?" A voice behind me asked; Elizabeth.

"You know him?"

"Isn't he a Swiss politician?"

"Yes, a minor one who just started out his term, I'm surprised you know him." I stated as I opened the file wider for her to gain more sight on the case.

"Mm, have you found out who killed him?"

"If I did the I wouldn't have to fly all the way to Switzerland."

"Fair enough..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes focused more on his picture, you could tell she was deep in thought.

The telephone rang from our living room and she excused herself to go get it.

I heard the faint noise of her answering the phone as I went back to my case.

His body was pale, his hair was ruffled as if whoever killed him was, more or less, beating the shit out of him, and his eyes were open like he died so suddenly and didn't get the chance to take one last final breath.

The report said that not only was he stabbed but he was apparently also choking to death and coughing out a lot of blood.

There wasn't any autopsy available because whoever was assigned to perform it took his sweet time before actually doing the job.

His wife gave a statement saying that they were going through a silent divorce which is why he had moved to a hotel to give each other some space.

She also said that he did in fact leave with bodyguards and has no idea as to where they went.

I've solved so many cases before and none of them were this complicated, the facts that were supposed to give me a way to solve this are all missing.

He died from bleeding out immediately? No, the stab wound was too small, it should've taken an hour or so before he bled out which would've given him time to get help.

Autopsy? The pathologist is too lazy to do it immediately.

Statements from bodyguards? If we can find out what happened to them.

Suspect? No traces were left behind as far as the report had said.

But then again, there's no way of telling 8f they left a trace until you get to the crime scene yourself.

"Nathaniel?" Elizabeth called out to me as I heard her footsteps coming towards me.

"Yeah?" I tiredly asked, rubbing my face before looking over my shoulder to meet her green orbs.

"Would you mind if I go to Switzerland with you?" She asked in a overly sweet tone, smiling sheepishly as she batted her eyes fast in a playful way as if to convince me.

Now why in the name of fuck would she wanna go with me?

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