7 - Täter (Abuser)

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The food here in Switzerland is fucking delicious.

Especially the fondue, I'm sending my compliments to the chef.

Right now, I'm sitting in bed and binge-eating the shit out of the foods I've ordered.

1 New Email

I quickly clicked the tab and opened it before I started reading it.

Matteo Favre, 23, married with no kids, very successful stockbroker and domestically abuses his wife and cheats on her with multiple woman.

And not gonna lie, he is an attractive man.

Too bad his personality isn't.

Alright, it seems that he likes to hangout in some local bar that is not too far from here everyday at afternoon.

This job shouldn't be too hard and the wife is willing to pay $500,000 to get him killed.

Easy enough.

I closed my email and shut my laptop off before eating the last of the fondue before taking my suitcase and zipping it open.

looking through the clothes I brought along with me, I realized something.

None of the dresses felt right.

Technically it doesn't really matter because I looked good in the dresses I brought anyway.

But I wanted a new one.

And besides, its still 1:00pm and Matteo doesn't usually arrive at the bar until about 3:00 o'clock so I had time to shop.

Thankfully, there was a boutique nearby that sold the most beautiful of dresses that I have ever seen.

After some time of looking and some try-ons, I finally found the perfect one.

It was a knee length dark green satin wrapped dress with semi short sleeves and a daring cleavage.

And I fucking loved it.

My hair, on the other hand, I decided to go with something simple and put it on a half ponytail.

I'm ready.

Stepping into the dimly lit bar, the first thing you could notice was how it was already packed with people.

Some were dancing to the music that the local band was playing.

Others were drowning in alcohol.

And the rest were enjoying the company of their friends.

One of them was Matteo Favre and according to his wife, those men that he is always with on the bar are his co-workers who are not much of a threat.

Matteo and his friends were all wearing suits and drinking the finest of wine.

Not for long.

Taking a deep breath I swept across the place and making my way towards where the bartender stood and made drinks.

I purposely made slow eye contact with Matteo before giving a slight smile and turning away from him.

And then I patiently sat on the bar stool and pretended to look around the wide variety of drinks that I could choose from.

"Kann ich dir ein Getränk kaufen?" A man behind me approached and asked, I turned around and smiled victoriously when I set my eyes to the man who was none other than Matteo Favre. (Can I buy you a drink?)

"Sicherlich" I told him, a disgustingly nice smile appeared on his face and he proceeded to sit right next to me. (Sure)

Touching my thigh.

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