Chapter 5

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Mile and Apo relationship grow steadily with times, they get closer and closer than ever before. Mile knows Apo is under a lot of pressure to keep up with his passion in playing football and his studying. Therefore, he always tries his best to help tutoring and doing homework with him after class. Mile also wants to help Apo release his stress by inviting him to his practice sessions and gigs with Jeff. Jeff became bestie with Apo too, the trouble maker duo that makes his life more colorful. Anytime Mile sees Apo's eyes light up when he smiles, he can't stop himself from smiling along with him.

"Do you want to play guitar?". Mile asks while adjusting his precious nong Avocado.

"You'll teach me?". Apo lifts his head up. He just got a haircut, his head looks like a cute coconut. It makes Mile blushes a bit but he hides it quick.

"Uhm... Sure."

"Did you just let him play rough with your guitar?" Jeff lets out a dramatic squeeze.

"What do you mean?" Apo asks while casually hitting the strings on nong Avocado's neck and Mile just sits there being smitten.

"Do you know what will happen if i do that. You will find my gorgeous guitar and my dead body floating around Chao Phraya while he cruise away with a beer or a cocktail on his expensive yatch."

"I didn't know there is discrimination here. Khun Phakphum Romsaithong, i am disappointed in you." Jeff throws himself on a couch.

"You better shut up before I throw you out."

"Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, you are the only exception." Jeff continues. "Well, i better shut up before he kills me." He raises arms up over his head as a losing sign.

Apo laughs so hard because of Jeff's witty remarks. Mile and Jeff have a really cute dynamic between them. He comes over the couch where Jeff is sitting and pretends to head lock him. Mile sits opposite them with guitar on his lab, smiling at the trouble maker duo.

After dinner, they all part their ways back home. Apo gets back right on his curfew. He sneaks in, keeps his stepping sound low as his father may be up and watching late night news.

"Come and sit down." His dad doesn't turn around. He keeps his posture on the couch with a open book on his crossed thighs.

"Yes, father. I'm sorry for being home late." Apo feels uneasy. He should have got home before his curfew.

"You've been close with the Romsaithong's boy lately. Am i right?" His dad takes off his reading glasses and stares at Apo.

"Yes, father. He is really nice. He also helps me with school."

"Good. You must be better to have a chance at Thammasat. If you fail, which can not happen, you will be sent to New York with your sister."

"You must stop playing soccer too. Spend more time at school and befriend the Romsaithong. They are in the BOD of Thammasat, they may help you to attend classes with the best professors if you get in. You must get in Thammasat not if. Do you understand me clearly, Apo?"

Apo feels the pressure from his strict father. His head keeps going lower and lower after each sentence which makes his dad not happy. The last line was an imply for him to look at his father. He must get in Thammasat as his father's wish.

"Yes, father. I understood. I will not let you down."

"Good. Now, go wash up and go to bed."

Apo gets up and bows to his father before leaving. It will be a long night.

While playing some blue songs, Mile got a text from Apo to notice him that he is home. He smiles at his phone, drops a like then continues with his blue. He has been so happy lately. Apo has brought light into his dark nights. Even his mom can see he is getting better everyday.

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