Sheriff of Tumble Town

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Jimmy was about 8 years old when his parents passed from an unknown disease. Without any way to earn money, he had to steal to survive. One day, he found a group who were outcasts due to stealing and pickpocketing. Although he had not been caught yet, Jimmy thought he would have a better chance of surviving with them compared to on his own.
The sheriff showed the outcasts sympathy and allowed them to live on the outskirts of Tumble Town instead of inside the prisons here or being transported to a prison in one of the other empires.
Jimmy didn't know much about the empires other then the names of them and how many there were on the continent.
He decided that he could go and talk to the outcasts and see if they will accept him. Soon enough, they allowed him to join their group, which wasn't very big, there were about 12 ot 15 people. Most were around their 20's but there was the group leader, Bart, he was about in his 40's.
They often went out for rides, each of which had a horse that they would take care of. Jimmy's horse, Bullseye, was very active but kind natured, and would always love going out for rides. Having spent quite a lot of time with his 'family', he was given the nickname Tim, and was taught everything he will need to know, if he ever want to return to Tumble Town, since he was never truly labeled as an outcast by the sheriff, and his family always believed that he could have a better life.
It was about 6 years after Jimmy joined, he was out on a ride with Bart and a few others when they heard a bunch of shouts. They all thought nothing of it a first, but then the sound of a gun was heard very nearby, and one of Jimmy's friends fell off his horse, his cream shirt turning red and a pool of blood collecting beneath him.
He heard another shot being fired and another friend falling. Jimmy looked over at Bart on a comand on what to do, whilst trying to sooth Bullseye. All he heard was run, before 2 more shot were heard and Jimmy watched with horror as Bart and his horse fell. He grabbed the 2 horses reins who were waiting for their riders to get back up, and galloped off with Bullseye and the remaining friends. After they returned to their bunker and the horses were tended to, the pain of watching his 'family' being killed before his eyes started to set in.
Jimmy just leaned his back against the wall, sat down and rapped his arms around his knees and silently sobbed.
He had know idea how long he had sat there, but at some point, someone came round and left a bowl of soup next to him.
Everyone knew how close him and Bart had become over the years, and knew that the loss of him would take a toll on the group, but more so Jimmy then anyone else.
All he could see in his head was the face of the man who killed his 'family'. He wanted revenge, but Jimmy knew that it was near impossible to do. Near. An idea formed in his, and although he didn't like it very much, he knew it was his only option.
He needed to see the sheriff.
But before he went anywhere, we was going to eat and rest. It had been a long and stressful day, and he was not about to waste the rest of his energy riding to Tumble Town.
Once Jimmy awoke, he went straight to the paddock and saddled up Bullseye. He left a note just in case anyone started worrying.
It was about a 1 hour 25 minute ride to Tumble Town, so Jimmy wanted to leave nice and early while the air was still cool and fresh.
He got there around just after noon, so depending on how long it takes him to talk to the sheriff, he should hopefully be back by nightfall.
After tying up Bullseye at the post in front of the sheriff's office or jailhouse, Jimmy made sure to give him fresh water and maybe some stolen, no sorry, borrowed apples.
Once that was all sorted, he walked into the office only to collide into the sheriff. They both stumbled back, Jimmy more so because even though he has been trained in combat, shooting and defense, the sheriff was just pure strength and muscle.
If Jimmy got into a fight with him, it will either be run and hide or beaten. The sheriff was quick to ask Jimmy if he was okay, and if he needed anything, but before Jimmy could answer any questions, a wanted poster on the wall caught his eye. It was the man that killed 3 of his friends, his family. He yelled out pointing at the poster saying that that was him, that he was the one who shot them. The sheriff asked Jimmy if he could slow down and tell him the whole story, so he did.
Once he finished, the sheriff explained that the person who killed some of his 'family' was Rickey the Swift, and how he was Tumble Town's greatest bandit and that he was the one who had killed the sheriff before himself, but that is what everyone thought as after one of the old sheriff's chases after Rickey the Swift, he never came back. But also that is was strange for Rickey to go after the outcasts.
The sheriff promised Jimmy that he would try his best to bring justice to those Rickey had killed. The sheriff had also warned Jimmy that Rickey might go back so he and his 'family' needed to be careful we going out on rides.
Jimmy then went home exhausted, but in that exhaustion, he felt that something was wrong, and that he needed to get back home as soon as possible. And so he did. Jimmy grabbed Bullseye and galloped all the way. Bullseye sensed something was wrong and that his rider was worried about something, so he ran, ran as fast a he could to get his rider home.
Jimmy jumped off his horse, forgetting to tie Bullseye up, and ran inside after seeing all the horses dead, all dead but one. That one horse he did not recognize to be one of theirs. Full of fear, he ran inside, calling out all the names of his friends, but he was only ever met with silence, again and again, no matter how loud or how many times he called, there was only the echo of his voice.
Reaching the bedrooms, he just collapsed, seeing only bodies, recognizing each and every face. Jimmy shook with terror and guilt. Guilty that he was not there, not there to die with them. A rough voice spoke from the shadows, one Jimmy did not recognize, but knew who it belonged to. Rickey told him how his friends said that they would give their lives to make sure that their Tim lived the rest of his life, and Rickey also said how brave it was of them to do that, but also stupid to just give up 13 lives for 1.
Pathetic he stated.
Jimmy thought that was the end, that he was going to join his 'family' in the afterlife. But although he wanted to see them again, he was also scared, scared to die when he tried so hard to continue, to live this far only to end like this.
All his friends told him he had a great life ahead of him, and that they would always be there, but where were they now, he felt no comforting hugs or words of encouragement, only the stone cold feeling that he had fail. He had failed them. How was he supposed to live up to the future he was told he had, when the only people he loved had left him.
But Rickey the Swift interrupted his thoughts, he said it was still noble of them to trade their lives for his, and Rickey would let Jimmy live his life becausewhen he made a promis, he would stick to it, no matter how evil or cruel he was. When that final word was said, Rickey disappeared into the shadows of the night.
Jimmy just cried. He cried all night. Eventually he finally drifted off into a deep sleep, but not a peaceful one. He saw his parents, his 'family' and all those he ever cared for. He woke up screaming, but he was rapped into a warm hug, he thought that it was all just a bad dream. But when his eyes cleared, he only saw the bodies and the man who tried to comfort him. The sheriff. When did he get here? How did he find this place? Wait, no, he was the one who gave this hideout to Bart.
Jimmy could feel the sheriff let go of the hug, but Jimmy only held on tighter. He couldn't accept that this was the fate of his friends. He wouldn't, he refused to. This had to be some stupid prank, that had gone to far. Right?
Jimmy felt that he had been picked up and brought outside. Once he was breathing at a normal pace again, the sheriff said that Jimmy's horse had woken him up and brought him here, where he heard screaming and crying.
He then asked Jimmy what had happened. Jimmy closed his eyes, feeling himself starting to tear up, and spoke. He spoke slowly, stumbling with his words and fidgeting with his fingers.
Bullseye came up to Jimmy and nuzzled his nose into Jimmy's chest, hoping to comfort his rider. The sheriff took Jimmy back to Tumble Town, let Jimmy stay in the spare room in his house until he figured out what he could do with him. The sheriff had also only just discovered that Jimmy was only 14 and he joined the outcasts at the age of 8, after his parents died.
That made the sheriff wonder how many others were like Jimmy. He decided that he could foster the kid until Jimmy could start a job, and buy a house. Because he doubted that Jimmy would want to go back to his old home when it was empty.
7 years had gone by and the sheriff retired letting Jimmy take over his position, teaching him had been fun, sure the sheriff knew that Jimmy would prefer to be at home with his 'family'.
Jimmy always heard his 'family' say that he would become something great when he grew up, but he had also always hoped that the outcasts would live to see that day.
Because Jimmy was never giving an official status as an outcast, the Tumble Town never knew that he was one. Only the sheriff, his foster father, did, but neither of them ever told a soul.
When Jimmy was 25, his foster father passed away, but , although Jimmy morned his death, he knew that his foster father lived a good life. But how come everyone else he held dearly close, passed, barely living a life almost everyone else lived.
Now don't think that Jimmy didn't love his foster father, he did. But he learned not to hold anyone to close to him, because they will end up leaving him, and Jimmy did not wish to cry as hard as he did when he lost his parents or his 'family'.
Being sheriff, he met all the other emperor's, and had been to their empires. He always loved to travel, but never wanted to stay away from Tumble Town for to long.
One day while helping in the mines, he stumbled across this man. He had never met him in person, but remembered his foster father showing and telling him about the old sheriff, the first one to discover Rickey the Swift.
The old sheriff and the current one, Jimmy, got along quickly, and became close friends. But Jimmy never let the shield around his heart fall.
Jimmy hadn't seen Rickey for a good few years, thinking, hoping he had died. But he knew all to well that Rickey would not let age catch up to him, and that he was only just keeping his distance, keeping his promise to leave Jimmy alone. But he made an oath that he will have his revenge.
Every night, Jimmy looked to the stars and spoke to them, he asked if they were proud of him and that he wished they could have stayed longer, but he will join them one day.
He never told the old sheriff of his past, because even though Jimmy trusted him, he did not know if the old sheriff knew about the history of the outcasts. And Jimmy was still shakey on the fact that they had passed on. But he knew that his 'family' were always watching him, keeping him safe, and he would never forget the lessons they had taught him and the kindness they showed.
Jimmy couldn't wait to see them again in the afterlife.

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