Pirate Joe

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Captain Joe was sailing the Seas in search of a legendary treasure, the Heart of the Sea. He had heard rumors that the heart was hidden in a secret island, guarded by a hordes upon hoards of undead skeletons. He was determined to find it and use it to control the seas.

He had a loyal crew of pirates, who followed him through thick and thin. They were fearless, adventurous, and greedy. They shared Joe’s passion for treasure and adventure. They also shared his knack for getting into trouble.

One day, they spotted a strange island on the horizon. It looked like a giant skull, with two caves for eyes and a mouth full of jagged rocks. Jack recognized it as the island he was looking for. He ordered his crew to steer the ship towards it.

As they approached the island, they saw a dark cloud of smoke rising from one of the eye caves. They heard a loud rattle, followed by a blast of a cannon, the ball nearly hitting their ship. A huge  army of skeletons emerged from the cave. Some bones of pure white, others covered in moldy rotting flesh .

Blimey, what are they? Joe heard one of the pirates exclaim.

It’s an army of skeletons, you fool! another one shouted.

So many? I wasn't expecting that many? Jack wondered.

Maybe they're guarding the treasure, pirate Pete suggested.

Or maybe it is the treasure, Gator said.

Either way, we have to get past em, Joe yelled.

He grabbed a spyglass and scanned the island. He saw a narrow path leading from the shore to the mouth of the skull. He also saw hundreds more skeletons, armed with swords and guns, patrolling the island. They looked ready to attack anyone who dared to set foot on their land.

Looks like we have company, Joe spoke.

They’re the cursed crew of Skeletron. They were once pirates like us, but they betrayed to the pirate code. As a punishment, they were cursed to live as skeletons, unable to die or feel anything. Pirate Pete explained.

How do you know all this? one of the pirates wondered.

I read it in a book. Joe heard Pete say

“well, lets retrieve he heart and blow the island to smithereens! Joe exclaimed, all they pirates yelling in agreement.

Then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go and get it! one of the pirates said.

Are you mad? We can’t just charge in there. We need a plan, Gator said.

He thought for a moment, then smiled.

“I have an idea. Listen up, mates. Here’s what we’re going to do…” he said.

He whispered his plan to his crew, who nodded in agreement.

Are you ready, lads? he asked.

Aye, aye, captain! they replied in unison.

Then, let’s go and get ourselves some treasure! Joe said.

He raised his sword and shouted.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me!

The ship went at full speed but before it could reach the island, cannons fired loosely at the ship.
And it went down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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