Ancient Capital Historian

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Pix ran and he hid. He had no other choice but to leave Pixandria behind. He couldn't stay for the final battle, he couldn't stay to watch all of the Empires fall, he couldn't stay for the life of him. He just had to wait. His visions were getting stronger, and he learned to live with the headaches. What he saw was something he could not change, but he knew he would see his friends again. He just had to wait 1000 years. Not that long of a wait. Oh he was going to die of boardem he thought. Although Pix knew what he had to do, he would have to do it himself, and 1000 years is not enough time to build 10 Empires. Because Gem needed to build her own when she arrives, and Sausage would also need to build his own, when he escapes his father, the great great grandson of Lord Sausage of Mythland, aka Sausage himself but reincarnated as a better version. Pix saw that his desert would turn into a Savanah where his future empire will stand, where the ruins of Pixandria will lie. And that Pearl would not join them, but another, someone called False. Pix was going to miss Pearl, but it was for good reason that she was leaving, he was sure of that.
It had been a year since Pix's 'disappearance', fWhip and Jimmy were now at the reactor in the Grimlands, and Pix was there watching, waiting for the explosion so he could start building up the empires for a second chance, a second season of hope.
The explosion came, the emperors died or ran and eventually died. It had now been 120 years, Pix had cleared away all the ruins of the empires, except his own, because that would age in its own time. By now all of Pix's visions had disappeared, and he only had his memories for comfort.
At 145 years, Pix found the Lord of Mythland's decendants and he built them a nice little house to stay in, near a village.
At 250 years Pix finished the first empire, Anamalia. At 360 Chromia was finished. At 427 years he finished Cogsmeade. The Evermoore was finished at 499 years. At 552 years the Eversea was finished. Glimer Grove was finished at 653 years. He finished Gobland at 724 years. Stratos was finished at 807 years. And finally Tumble Town was finished at 891 years.
At every 100 year mark, Pix decides to spend the day watching how Pixandria has decayed, and counting how many more years he has left until he can see his friens once again.
At 912 years, Pix had populated each and every Empire, and mode sure that the rulers of them are decendants from the original rulers. 88 years left. And at the last 15 years, Pix will start his work once again. Until then he just had to entertain himself. I was wrong, maybe 1000 years was long enough, he thought to himself.
Well, he could double, triple and even quadruple check for flaws, maybe he could just add a few extra little things. He guessed that Tumble Town could use some bandits to keep the sheriffs busy, and the Ancient Capital could use some extra added details.
But that more for Pix's sake, he didn't want to look upon his new empire and be saddened by the past.
Just as he was about to get up and starts once again on his builds, he got 2 visions. The first one was of Gem's frinds, the hermits, coming through a rift. And after a few months spent here on Empires, the emperors go to their land, Hermitcraft.
The second was of a man called Oli, falling from the sky to Empires, spending a few weeks gathering resources, finding the stronghold in Gobland and then fighting the ender dragon, getting stuck in the end for a few months, and reappears after the emperors appear and are running their respected areas. The first thing that came to mind was that fWhip was not going to be happy finding out that the end portal has been activated.
The next thing was that why had Pix gotten visions after almost 1000 years. He wasn't sure whether he should find comfort in these new facts he has been given or worried. Another 10 years had just flown by, Pix had run through everything at least 17 times now, and the same visions appeared, but only in dreams. Then it dawned on Pix, he has lived almost more then 1000 years, and not aged a single bit, well in his opinion at least. That left him wondering, will he start aging again when his friends show up or just live to watch them die again. The world wasn't that cruel, right? Pix had already lived through so much, that his knowledge and wisdom would be classed as impossible. But it was getting late and he was tired, so Pix went to bed, dreaming again, but this was not his every night dream, this was a different one. Pix could see himself walking around the Ancient Capital, but something was wrong. He was semi-transparant. How and why, he did not know. Then a voice spoke to him, one he recognized, but not one of his friends and not one he had heard since he was about in his 20's. His Brother. He was telling Pix that it was and will be alright, they would see each other again, and that Pix will not live forever, like he feared. It said how it will explain why Sausage had cut him off all those years ago, why his feath was needed, and why Pix was chosen to carry this burden of a task. The voice, no his brother, soothed him with comforting words, and slowly faded away leaving Pix in a pitch black void. But it did not disturb him, no, it made Pix exited. Exited that he has something to look forward to, beyond death, was life, was love, was someone he had been wanting for the past millennia.
When Pix awoke, he found that Oli was now on this world and about to jump into the end portal. Pix guessed that the world had decided to finally show him some mercy, instead of waiting 53 years, he now only had to wait a few months before the young emperors to be call a meeting at the center of their world.
When this time finally came, the discussion Pix had been looking forward to for so long, friens talking with their old, long forgotten, friends, but they only discussed... trade. Pix expected that this would happen. After 1000 years of testing his patience, this would be the thing to break it.

Words 1134

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