Queen of Gilded Helianthia

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Pearl loved where she lived, but hated what she did. Her home was in a small little village deep in a forest, even though Pearl was 13, she had to help out with work. The job she was assigned was none other than a seamstress. Her mother had ruled a different kingdom, but died a while back, and her half-brother had taken the crown. Her father was ruling a farming kingdom only a days ride away from her current location. She knew that the town had lost their leader, and they had no heir to take over, so Pearl's father decided to go up there and help out a bit. What Pearl knew that her father had been one of that town's favorites, and that Pearl would have to take up permanent residence there. Now Pearl didn't mind it that much, she did love to farm, and Gilded Helianthia was know to house some of the best farmers. But Pearl hated the idea of having to leave the place where she grew up. However she did not want to disappoint her father or miss out on a chance to be taught by some of the worlds best farmers. After an hour or so of packing, Pearl grabbed her horse and made her way at a slow trot towards Gilded Helianthia. When she got there it was almost 10pm and was welcomed greatly. Her father came out to greet her as well, and showed her to their house and Pearl's bedroom. She unpacked her things, jumped on her fresh bed and passed out into a dreamless sleep. She woke up very early, got dress and made her way downstairs. Grabbed a slice of toast and went outside and took a nice deep breath of the freshmorning air. Everyone seemed to be awake and starting their jobs, so Pearl decided that she would go around, looking for something she could do, or someone she could help. After a bit of walking, she finally found someone, or someone found her, to help on the farm. They started talking, and after a while, Pearl found out that their name was Thomas, they have lived here all his life, and being a farmer had always been a great passion for them.
Everyday, Pearl would return to the farm, and everyday, Thomas would enjoy her company and teach her the best methods for farming. She would sometimes go and help someone else with their farming, get to know other people, but mainly spent her time with Thomas. This continued for many years, and Pearl became well known for her kind heart, strength and good temper. When Pearl's father got to old, he stepped down, and after a few days of convincing his daughter, Pearl eventually became the new ruler. But the only flaw in that, was that she always snuck out, or avoided her work to either visit her step brother or to go and farm. Other then that, the people loved her and Gilded Helianthia stayed as the number 1. farming area.

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