Headmistress of the Crystal Cliffs and Count of the Grimlands

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Gem and fWhip were very close twins. Gem was the older and fWhip the younger.
fWhip was more like their mother, Tay a good engineer, brilliant with explosives and heir to the thrown of the Grimlands, home to the continents greatest engineers.
Gem, on the other hand, was more alike her father, Bruce. A very magical wizard, and headmaster of the greatest witches and wizards academy, former school of some of the most well known magical beings.
Their parents relationship was great at the start, but as the years went by, they started drifting apart, arguing about silly little things and eventually ended their marriage.
It had always hurt fWhip and Gem hearing the shouts of disagreement going on between the 2. Although the twins were inseparable, they had one of the strongest bonds throughout their childhood. fWhip always felt he had a responsibility towards protecting his sister no matter the cost, and he had frequently visited her during the weeks when he found free time, or sneak away, avoiding his responsibilities after Gem moved to the Crystal Cliffs. They were only 7 when their parents explained to them what was about to happen, and 8 when when their father married the queen of Mythland. One day, fWhip had decided to go and visit his sister, due to it being almsot 4 years since his last trip to her. He had been so caught up in trying to manage his Empire since his mother had fallen very ill, and being unable to even talk most of the time, and he was only 12 with little to help. Although, he had not been given the official title of 'Count of the Grimlands' because he was technically still too young and his mother had not passed. But fWhip was thankful for that, because he doubted himself, and thought himself not yet ready for a responsibility as great as that. One regret he did have though was not telling Gem of their mothers condition, not wanting her to worry about him.
When fWhip arrived, he and Gem were just catching up on the small things, with fWhip leaving out the part of him momentarily taking charge. Gem suddenly had an exited expression on her face, and told him that she had some great news to share and a new person for him to meet, and with a cautious but still curious glance, he followed her.
While walking down the hallway, Gem was explaining how she had tried to contact him, but was never able to properly reach out to him.
By the time she had finished talking, they had reached the room, and she opened the door. Inside was a small toddler about 3 or 4 years old. Gem had told her brother that this was Sausage, their new little brother. Immediately, Sausage and fWhip had created a strong bond between each other. But the dark night sky drew near, he said his goodbyes to everyone and left to go back home, trying to ignore Gem's pleads for him to stay the night.
A few months had gone by, fWhip was now 13 and his mother had given permission for him to take up full responsibility of the Grimlands. And sadly after a week of his official rule, his mother had passed. The Emperors of the Crystal Cliffs and Mythland were at the funeral saying their goodbyes to the former Countess, their sorries to fWhip for his loss, and their congratulations of becoming the new Count. Afterwards, Gem confronted fWip asking him why he didn't tell her that their mother was sick, but he had no good explanation.
The next few months were very hard for him, considering that he and his mother were extremely close. Though, he kept a straight face all day when working, and cried himself to sleep every night.
Gem on the other hand was doing very well, and loving her responsibility as babysitting her younger brother. Nothing much happened between the years of her mothers passing and her becoming headmistress of the Crystal Cliffs Academy when she turned 22. Sausage was about 15 at this time, and about to inherent the crown to Mythland. His mother had decided to retire and hand the crown over to her son when he turned 17.
fWhip would constantly go and visit both his brother and sister whenever he managed to get a Sunday off, making sure he kept a strong relationship with the both of them.

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